Mozambican citizens cross the border to collect social grants in South Africa, according to DA – The Citizen


The DA has embarked on a "border tour" to highlight the "true state" of South Africa's borders.

According to a party statement, the "alarming" tour exposed a "gloomy picture of the failure of securing the borders of our country by the ANC".

The official opposition has become self-proclaimed border inspectors on the border between Limpopo and Zimbabwe, the border between KwaZulu and Natal and Mozambique and the border between north-west and Botswana.

READ MORE: DA wants soldiers to secure the borders of South Africa

They claim to have uncovered a range of issues, including "illegal cross-border trade", "alleged social subsidy fraud", "porous borders", "no barriers", "poor military patrols" and "trade unions". hijacked ".

The party stated that, at the border of Beit Bridge in Limpopo, she had discovered parts of the fence that had been cut off as well as an "open and unmanned portal large enough for a truck to pbad through. through".

They said that people on the other side of the border could clearly be monitored when patrols of the South African National Defense Forces (SANDF) follow one another.

Provide more clarity!

Standing on our border, we were able to capture images of people on the other side of the border looking at the south side.

They could see the SANDF patrols arrive and leave and determine the best time to cross without being spotted.#SecureOurBorders

– Democratic Alliance (@Our_DA) November 29, 2018

Moving on to the stage of their "visit" to the Manguzi border, they said the SANDF had told them that an appropriate fence was crucial. DA members claimed that "they were able to enter Mozambique, buy fish and return to South Africa" ​​in part of their statement that could potentially constitute an admission of guilt for the fact they illegally crossed the border.

The party also claimed to have been informed that people regularly crossed the Mozambique border to collect social aid and shop in South Africa before returning home.

According to the DA, their "unhindered movement in our country allows them to exploit the benefits intended for South Africans".

In another case on the border between Mozambique and KwaZulu-Natal, "terrified communities" near the border are targeted by car pirates. The AD further alleged that members of South African law enforcement were working with the unions.

READ MORE: Beitbridge's border control has only two computers in working order – DA

Finally, at the Skilpadshek border in the north-west, the SANDF told the DA that the border was inaccessible for soldiers who could not monitor it. Apparently, the border does not have an "appropriate barrier" but an "agricultural barrier".

The party said that the ANC had left our border in confusion and that they were "the only party capable" of repairing them.

The statement, available below, then details the many ways in which the prosecutor wishes to strengthen the borders of the Stability Agency.

The failure of the ANC left the borders broken and the SANDF scattered by Jacques Julius, spokesman for the …

Posted by Graham Gersbach on Thursday, November 29, 2018

(Compiled by Daniel Friedman)

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