A mysterious black hole tears the Earth from the inside – news ZIK.UA


Scientists have said that a black hole will tear the Earth from the inside. This circumstance indicates a particle flow – the neutrinos and the Antarctic.

Physicists detected an unusual signal at the end of June and began ringing the alarm – Know

 Загадкова чорна діра розриває Землю зсередини - новини ZIK.UA

It turned out that our planet is on the verge of death. It is located in the center of a black hole, which will soon break the ground inside. And, according to scientists, the black hole is growing rapidly.

It turned out that our planet is on the verge of death. It is located in the center of a black hole, which will soon break the ground inside. And, according to scientists, the black hole is growing rapidly. The experts discuss the problem even with the June 29, the day the signal was zapelengovali for the first time using the ANITA experimental device – a kind of Antarctic transitional of the antenna. Its function is to fix even the slightest impulse. The device is the fruit of the efforts of NASA developers. The device includes 96 radio antennas. The camera flies over the cold continent on a helium balloon and collects data.

ANITA picks up the signal, indicating that the ice is entering the powerful neutrino stream. Such a signal may indicate that in the continent there is a growing black hole. Some scientists decided that it was not a black hole, a breed of diggers that sends to the neutrino surface of the blue planet. Others believe that in the interior of the Earth thermonuclear reactions occur similar to those occurring in the Sun. This version is perceived by the scientific community as more logical because it explains the evolution of magnetic radiation and volcanic activity, as well as heat waves. While experts are reluctant to predict how to behave in a black hole, but there are fears that it will break in and swallow the remnants of the planet.

See also: The world-famous physicist and astronomer Stephen Hawking called the end of the world

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