A superb image of NASA shows how ice block avalanches reshape the Martian surface


A NASA spacecraft revisiting the Martian sites that it documented for the first time more than a decade ago captured the astounding transformation in an area caused by an avalanche of ice.

In December 2006, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter photographed depots

A new image of the same site shows a landscape that seems almost completely different, with new blocks of ice covering the ground.

"One of the most active areas on Mars are the steep edges of the North Polar Layer. deposit, "NASA explains.

The new image captures much more detail than the old photo, with a scale of 25 centimeters (9.8 inches) per pixel, compared to the 31.9 centimeters (12.6 inches) of color. origin by pixel.

While the previous image shows a much smoother surface, the new photo captured by the HiRISE instrument shows a landscape dotted with new ice blocks.

The instrument revisited areas that it photographed in 2006-2007.

"This long baseline allows us to see significant and rare changes as well as many small changes."

Last May, the European Space Agency released a stunning video flyby that gives insight of the situation. The geological history of another region on Mars: the crater of Neukum

The crater of Neukum is located about 500 miles (800km) from Hellas, the largest basin of impact on Mars .

And he lives in the region of Noachis Terra. Over the years, the crater of Neukum has undergone many changes, says the German Space Agency.

"The shallow interior of the crater was probably filled with sediment during its history," says ESA.

& # 39; It is also marked with two irregular depressions. Perhaps they are the sign of a weaker material that has eroded since, leaving behind islands of more resistant materials.

"Over time, the crater interior has suffered various collapses.

"Many smaller craters have also overprinted the rim and have marked the interior since the formation of the Neukum crater, highlighting its long history."

Mars is currently in the middle of the year.

As a result, the veteran Opportunity rover remained silent for more than three weeks, as the thick layer of dust blocked the sun and prevented its solar-powered batteries from charging. The huge storm started on May 30th.

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