Baring his soul


  Baring his soul

A half-naked Zim protester causes a scene in the streets of Francistown

A Zimbabwean who caused a sensation in Francistown Tuesday morning while he was there walked into the city Half-naked streets and calling his compatriots to vote against Emmerson Mnangagwa in Monday's elections, he escaped prison

Armed with the flag of his country, with a burning patriotic sense and nothing else, Zondai Nyamande is 38 years old.

The police stopped the Muscular Mutare a few moments after leaving the office of The Voice & Francistown, where he had just given an exclusive interview to explain his mission.

Superintendent of Francistown Police Station, Lebalang Maniki, revealed that Nyamande had been arrested for public nuisance

"We received complaints from me, there was a man walking half-naked in the mall.We arrested the man and accused him of public nuisance

"One can not walk half-naked – this is unacceptable and a drawback for the public and against the law of public order! "

Voice that his men took Nyamande to the customary court of Donga the day after his arrest, where he was found guilty and warned of his future conduct.

" He was warned, warned and released this morning, "added Maniki.The court could have sentenced Nyamande to one year in prison if he wished.

" The court could have sentenced him to a term of imprisonment or any other appropriate punishment had he not warned him and had Mr. Nyamande, who supports Nelson Chimisa's Movement for Democratic Change Alliance, urged Zimbabweans living in Botswana to go home and vote against the ZANU PF Mnangagwa-led government.

"Mnangagwa must leave, he is the devil in waiting and was part of the Mugabe regime that put the country on his knees!", Exclaimed the protester Zim, who predicted that Chimisa would come out victorious from the upcoming election.

"Chamisa is the man to make Zimbabwe prosper – he has the heart, mind and will of the people of Zimbabwe and his policy will benefit the average Zimbabwean!" Said Nyamande, an animation, to the great amusement of the small crowd gathering to watch

Asked why he had chosen a set that exhibited most of his body – he wore a yellow thong with a small Zimbabwean flag pinned to the back, a graduation cap, socks and shoes – Nyamande, an unemployed electrical engineer, responded pbadionately: "My equipment is a symbol for our country."

"Zimbabwe is naked and we have to vote for someone who can dress our country and give it some dignity! "

It's the nudity and whispering of the crowd that it must be crazy, in the course of the interview it became clear that Nyamande was eccentric but certainly not crazy.

At the time of going to the press, the cops had released Nyamande, who told The Voice to reach Zimbabweans in Gaborone and in parts of South Africa before rushing home to vote

"We need all possible votes to oust the corrupt ZANU-PF regime and it is my duty to mobilize as much as possible." explained the young man, whose unusual dress sense could having trouble her with the police but seemed a real hit with Francistown's female population and drew envious glances from some of the men

* Nyamande's full interview is available on Voice's Facebook page

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