Boys in Ireland could be vaccinated against HPV after setting up a public consultation by HIQA


Currently, the HPV vaccine is only available to girls in the first year of high school because they are covered by the National Immunization Program.

But it seems that boys in Ireland may soon be vaccinated against HPV after the announcement, the health watchdog began a national public consultation on this subject

. The vaccine protects against several strains of the human papilloma virus, which causes seven out of 10 cervical, badl, vulvar and bad cancers.

Health Minister Simon Harris spoke out in favor of vaccinating boys

He praised news from the Information Authority and Quality on Health (HIQA) according to which He stated, "I have asked HIQA to undertake this health technology badessment, which will establish the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the supply of the vaccine.

"This public consultation is an important part of the process and I encourage people to take this opportunity to give their opinion."

Minister of Health Simon Harris
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