C / 2017 S3 and the visible blood moon in July, August


The frosty green glow of a comet is suddenly inflamed as it tumbles toward our Sun, raising the hope that it might become visible in the daytime skies [19659002] PanSTARRS C / 2017 S3 is a newcomer.

It was only discovered last year.

Skywatchers nicknamed it "wildcard". And he begins to meet expectations.

He suddenly burned 16 times stronger than it had been on July 2nd. This is because it was warmed to the tipping point needed for a previously frozen gas eruption. 19659003] It's a moment that was captured by Austrian amateur astronomer Michael Jager.

He joined a month to experience the glowing glow of a blood moon, and the strange presence of the asteroid Vesta. The nucleus of the comet now projects a strange green tail, about 260 000 km in diameter

At this size, it is already easy to spot with simple telescopes in the northern hemisphere

. 19659003] NASA Reaction Propulsion Laboratory The HORIZONS solar system dynamics system predicts that the comet will rapidly clear up between mid-July and the early days of August

But this is not the case. is not sure.

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C / 2017 S3 has not been seen before. And its orbit – coming from high above the plane of the solar system – suggests that this could be his first dive into the inner solar system.

So, we do not know what it's made of. He can burn his gas quickly. Or again, it can still ignite.

One does not even know if he will survive his fall to the sun

C / 2017 S3 could explode because of the pressure of gas bubbling deep in his icy heart

well and his tail continues to flare up, the northern hemisphere can get to see it by the end of July before it's obscured by the sun's glare.

RELATED: How a space war would fail us on Earth [19659003] It should become visible to the naked eye in Australia shortly before sunrise around August 15th. This after he spent the sun, 11 degrees, and returns to the Oort cloud. It is likely that we will return for another 200 years.

But C / 2017 S3 should not be the best comet of the year. 46P Wirtanen is in its 5.4-year-old orbit in December. It will pbad high in the southern sky and will probably become visible to the naked eye on November 23.

CONNECTION: How to look at the July "Blood Moon"

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