Calls for better regulation of sunscreen after New Zealand has been ranked highest in the world for skin cancer


Experts Call for Mandatory Sunscreen Standards and Total Ban on Tanning Beds After Alarming Figures Show New Zealand Has World's Highest Skin Cancer Rates

revealed nearly 2,500 New Zealanders were diagnosed with skin cancer each year.

  Number of cases of skin cancer worldwide, derma.more
Number of cases of skin cancer in the world, derma.more. General Manager Sue Chetwin said these findings were worrisome, but not surprising, given that New Zealand still had no adequate protection to try to reduce the risk of skin cancer.

"Unfortunately, we have been campaigning for a long time."

Consumer NZ tested last year 20 sunscreens against the Australian and New Zealand standard and only nine responded to their demand on the l & # 39; SPF label

Some natural sunscreens offer little protection.We have not responded to high or broad spectrum protection demands and two companies, including one big brand, have provided test certificates for similar, but not identical, sunscreens. "

" This clearly does not protect consumers from the sun's harmful rays. "

In April, cancer rates from non-melanoma skin in New Zealand (basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma)

Non-melanoma skin cancer rates are expected to reach a new record, affecting 90,000 people this year, up from 67,000 in 2006.

  ] Skin Cancer Index, derma.more [19659014] Skin Cancer Index, derma.more </span>  </figcaption></figure>
<p clbad= Professor Dietrick Abeck, Chief Medical Advisor at, stated that the incidence of skin cancer Non-melanoma and melanoma had increased significantly in recent decades. More than 3 million non-melanoma skin cancers and 150,000 melanoma skin cancers are diagnosed each year. One in three cancers diagnosed is skin cancer, "said Abeck.

In New Zealand, higher treatment expenditure has shown a lower mortality rate, while Sweden has the highest rate of melanoma.

But Chetwin said that New Zealand had a long way to go in terms of prevention

She said that tanning beds represented another important risk because using one before the age of 30 years could increase the risk of melanoma. Like sunscreens, compliance with the tanning bed standard was voluntary

"Existing regulations do not provide sufficient protection for consumers and it is time for the government to make the standard of sunscreen mandatory and prohibit tanning beds. " These measures are already in place in Australia and with our high rates of skin cancer, it's not enough that our regulations are lagging behind, "said Chetwin. [ad_2]
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