Coffee Drinkers Are Less Likely to Die Early, Says New Study


Rejoice, coffee lovers – yet another study confirmed that the brew is good for your health.

The study, from the National Cancer Institute, found that coffee drinkers – even those who pound back cup after cup – are less likely to die early than non-drinkers.

The wide-ranging study evaluated ten years of data from more than half a million people in Britain, who elected to take part in a large genetic study.

Researchers grouped the participants in their daily lives, and then looked at them in a variety of ways. Regardless of gender, the 502,641 participants aged 38 to 73.


Part of the study looked at people who have the coffee gene, they are able to metabolize caffeine quickly. People with it are able to drink caffeine late in the day, while others want to cut themselves off downing of the caffeinated variety, did not have any negative effects on mortality. It's also encouraging news, but they've been confirmed that they can still drink – although they did find that the badociations with coffee, ground coffee were "stronger."

"Coffee drinking "The researchers wrote in the study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association's JAMA Internal Medicine, was inversely badociated with mortality, including those with more rapid genetic metabolism. "These findings suggest the importance of non-caffeine constituents in the coffee-mortality badociation and provide further rebadurance that coffee drinking can be a part of a healthy diet."

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This study comes after Los Angeles judge ruled that California coffee shops must post a warning sign that the drink poses an increased risk of cancer. The decision reached after a non-profit group, the Council for Education and Research on Toxics, argued that the levels of acrylamide, a chemical produced in the coffee roasting process, posed a significant threat to consumers.

However, cancer researchers said that the amount of acrylamide in coffee is unlikely to be any more, and it is also present in foods like potatoes and bread.

"There's some acrylamide in coffee, but we're talking about very, very low levels. Trace amounts, "Dr. Geoffrey Kabat, a cancer epidemiologist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and author of Getting Risk Right told PEOPLE. "This decision scares people, it keeps people focused on the wrong things and it provides no useful guidance for what people should do."

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