Dinosaurs are more caloric than humans!


Vegetables eaten by herbivorous dinosaurs 150 million years ago had a higher nutritional value than that consumed by humans in the polluted environment of the 21st century.

In a recent study, researchers measured the nutritional value of herbivorous dinosaurs. feeding by growing their food under atmospheric conditions similar to that many years ago.

Previously, researchers believed that plants grown in an atmosphere with a high carbon dioxide content had low nutritional value.

But a new experimental approach led by Fiona Gill at the University of Leeds has shown that this is not necessarily true. 19659002] The team cultivated dinosaur food plants, such as horsetail and ginkgo, under high levels of carbon dioxide imitating atmospheric conditions similar to those of sauropod dinosaurs, the largest animals ever wandering at this time -the.

was used to simulate the digestion of plant leaves in sauropod stomachs, allowing researchers to determine the nutritional value of leaves.

The results showed that many plants had significantly higher energy and nutrient levels. ] This suggests that megaherbivores would have needed to eat much less per day and the ecosystem could have supported a significantly higher dino "The climate was very different in the Mesozoic era – when the huge brachiosaurus and diplodocus were living – with probably much higher carbon dioxide levels, and it was badumed that when plants grow faster and / or faster at higher CO2 levels, their nutritional value decreases. This is not the case for all plant species, "Gill said.

"The large size of the sauropods at that time suggests that they require enormous amounts of energy to sustain them." When the available food source has levels of Energy and energy, this means that less food has to be consumed to provide enough energy, which can affect the size and density of the population, "he adds.

Do not give any image of the dinosaur diet or cover the extent of the plants that existed at that time, but a better understanding of how the dinosaurs ate helped the scientists to understand how they really survived Plants that grow in prehistoric atmospheric conditions can be used to simulate other ecosystems and diets of other ancient megaherbivores, such as Miocene mammals – ancestors of many modern mammals, "he added.

The study appears in the journal Palaeontology

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