Does Real Elon Musk please stand up

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Elon Musk engineer and technology entrepreneur from The Boring Company, SpaceX and Tesla (Photo by Joshua Lott / Getty Images) (Photo by Joshua Lott / Getty Images)

Elon Musk has a fast track record of being more irritating and irritating than inspiring and praiseworthy. Critically praised as his mini-submarine designed to save the day Boys' team trapped in a cave in Thailand would not have Musk sent a Tweet that will forever mark Musk as being more a whiner and a lot less man than most people thought.

In the Tweet now removed, Musk has called the British rescue diver, Vern Unsworth, universally recognized as being one of the leading participants and experts responsible for the successful rescue of all trapped children and their coach, as Pedo short for ped ophile.Tablets Tweets screen can be found here

The condemnation of Musk's comments is widespread in social media, but in the typical way of Musk, he doubled his comment original by betting that Unsworth was indeed a pedophile.

Elon Musk – Howard Hughes of today

I respect Elon Musk. However, it is getting harder and harder to like Elon Musk and it's a shame. The story is littered with prominent personalities who have dazzled politicians, business leaders, the press and average citizens with their brilliance and their ability to see what others have not done. The person Musk reminds me most is Howard Hughes, the famous business magnet and aviator. Being compared to Hughes is both good and bad.

Hughes was known for his temper tantrums and his inability to filter the words that came out of his mouth. In a few sentences, Hughes could articulate his vision of a large spaceship to transport man to the far reaches of the galaxy, while sacking the reputation of someone, man or woman, for no apparent reason. Remember someone?

I did research on Howard Hughes a lot more than most. In the case of Hughes, one of his biggest mistakes was not to establish a relationship with someone to provide what the Japanese call Hoshin Kanri or "compbad management." ". The ability to find the "true north" as a person or society

Bill George, Harvard Business School Senior Fellow, defines True North as your point of reference – your fixed point in a turning world – that helps a person stay on track as a leader. It is derived from the beliefs, values ​​and principles most deeply rooted in people. It is an internal compbad, unique to each person, who represents who they are at their deepest level.

Hughes never found his true north and he ruined his life and his trading empire. Musk has not found his True North yet, either

Will The Real Elon Musk Please Get Up

If Musk Will Insert Such Frequently In Our Lives Through his words, actions and actions, as individuals and as a society, we have the right to agree or disagree with Musk. Mark somebody publicly as a "pedo" because he had the audacity to declare that a miniature submarine proposed by Musk as a rescue vehicle would not work, n? is not OK. In fact, it is embarrbading that any one of Musk's accomplishment is so stupid to make such a comment.

After offering help to the Thai football team trapped, Musk offered to help residents of Flint, Michigan with contaminated water:

S & # 39, please, consider this as a commitment that I will fund by fixing water in any house in Flint that has water contamination above FDA levels . No kidding.

Musk's offer to find a solution to contaminated water endangering the lives of men, women and children is better than what we expect from someone else. one of the intelligence and willingness to help Musk

Red Bull employees need to stay awake to achieve the ambitious production targets of Model 3 (and wander through a spill of gas). raw sewage) to show how Musk makes us pause in our respect and admiration.

Tesla Musk's operating losses are expected to rise to $ 5 billion, and the company will likely need to increase from $ 5 billion to $ 10 billion over the next few years to stay afloat . Auto industry badysts and hedge fund managers who follow Tesla warn that Tesla could go bankrupt

Note to Musk and Tesla: If you want Tesla to succeed, hire Annette Clayton, president and Chief Executive Officer of Schneider Electric; former Vice President, Global Operations and Supply Chain, Dell; and former president of the Saturn Car Company. Elon needs someone he can trust and learn from. Tesla needs an expert in supply chain management and manufacturing. Annette Clayton can save Tesla. Annette Clayton discovered True North years ago and is a person and leader we can all admire and respect.

To say that Musk is under pressure to meet Tesla's high expectations is a euphemism. To say that Musk has created a more and more difficult personality is a euphemism.

The bright and impbadive South African with his great ideas and a larger personality than life has turned into a much less deserving person. of respect that Musk from a few months ago. Superman's weakness was Kryponite. Elon Musk's weakness is Elon Musk.

Musk must step back and rebadess who he is, who he wants to be and what he wants to accomplish. Musk can inspire or irritate. The choice is his and his to do alone.

What is your true north, Elon? Please let us know when you find it.


Elon Musk engineer and tech entrepreneur from The Boring Company, SpaceX and Tesla. (Photo by Joshua Lott / Getty Images) (Photo by Joshua Lott / Getty Images)

Elon Musk is Having the reputation of being more irritating and irritating than being inspiring and praiseworthy, Musk tweeted about the fact that his mini-submarine designed to rescue the boys' team caught Trapped in a cave in Thailand would not work.Also according to Musk, Musk is no longer a whiner and much less a man than most people.

In the deleted Tweet, Musk refers to the British lifeguard, Vern Unsworth, universally recognized as one of the leading participants and experts for the successful rescue of all trapped children and their coach, as a short pedo for the pedophile.Tablets of Tweets can be found here

Conviction of Musk's comments poured into social media, but in typical Musk fashion, he doubled-d owns on his original comment by making a bet that Unsworth was indeed a pedophile.

Elon Musk – The Howard Hughes of Today

I respect Elon Musk. However, it is getting harder and harder to like Elon Musk and it's a shame. The story is littered with prominent personalities who have dazzled politicians, business leaders, the press and average citizens with their brilliance and their ability to see what others have not done. The person Musk reminds me most is Howard Hughes, the famous business magnet and aviator. Being compared to Hughes is both good and bad.

Hughes was known for his explosions of anger and his inability to filter out the words that came out of his mouth. In a few sentences, Hughes could articulate his vision of a large spaceship to transport man to the far reaches of the galaxy, while sacking the reputation of someone, man or woman, for no apparent reason. Remember someone?

I did research on Howard Hughes a lot more than most. In the case of Hughes, one of his biggest mistakes was not to establish a relationship with someone to provide what the Japanese call Hoshin Kanri or "compbad management." ". The ability to find the "true north" as a person or society

Bill George, Harvard Business School Senior Fellow, defines True North as your point of reference – your fixed point in a turning world – that helps a person stay on track as a leader. It is derived from the beliefs, values ​​and principles most deeply rooted in people. It is an internal compbad, unique to each person, who represents who they are at their deepest level.

Hughes never found his true north and he ruined his life and his trading empire. Musk has not found his True North yet, either

Will The Real Elon Musk Please Get Up

If Musk Will Insert Such Frequently In Our Lives Through his words, actions and actions, as individuals and as a society, we have the right to agree or disagree with Musk. Mark somebody publicly as a "pedo" because he had the audacity to declare that a miniature submarine proposed by Musk as a rescue vehicle would not work, n? is not OK. In fact, it is embarrbading that any one of Musk's accomplishment is so stupid to make such a comment.

After offering help to the Thai football team trapped, Musk offered to help residents of Flint, Michigan with contaminated water:

S & # 39, please, consider this as a commitment that I will fund by fixing water in any house in Flint that has water contamination above FDA levels . No kidding.

Musk's offer to find a solution to contaminated water endangering the lives of men, women and children is better than what we expect from someone else. one of the intelligence and willingness to help Musk

Red Bull employees need to stay awake to achieve the ambitious production targets of Model 3 (and wander through a spill of gas). raw sewage) to show how Musk makes us pause in our respect and admiration.

Tesla Musk's operating losses are expected to rise to $ 5 billion, and the company will likely need to increase from $ 5 billion to $ 10 billion over the next few years to stay afloat . Auto industry badysts and hedge fund managers who follow Tesla warn that Tesla could go bankrupt

Note to Musk and Tesla: If you want Tesla to succeed, hire Annette Clayton, president and Chief Executive Officer of Schneider Electric; former Vice President, Global Operations and Supply Chain, Dell; and former president of the Saturn Car Company. Elon needs someone he can trust and learn from. Tesla needs an expert in supply chain management and manufacturing. Annette Clayton can save Tesla. Annette Clayton discovered True North years ago and is a person and leader we can all admire and respect.

To say that Musk is under pressure to meet Tesla's high expectations is a euphemism. To say that Musk has created a more and more difficult personality is a euphemism.

The bright and impbadive South African with his great ideas and a larger personality than life has turned into a much less deserving person. of respect that Musk from a few months ago. Superman's weakness was Kryponite. Elon Musk's weakness is Elon Musk.

Musk must step back and rebadess who he is, who he wants to be and what he wants to accomplish. Musk can inspire or irritate. The choice is his and his to do alone.

What is your true north, Elon? Please let us know when you find it.

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