Drinking while breastfeeding related to cognitive problems in young children


Breastfed babies had lower nonverbal reasoning scores at the age of six to seven when their mothers consumed alcohol while badfeeding.

SYDNEY – According to an Australian study, badfeeding mothers who drink alcohol are more likely to have children with cognitive problems than mothers who do not drink while badfeeding [19659003]. as well as questionnaires completed by their mothers stating whether they were badfeeding babies and how often they smoked cigarettes or drank alcohol during pregnancy or badfeeding.

Breastfed babies had non-verbal reasoning scores of less than six or seven years. report paediatricians in pediatrics

"This is important because it suggests that there is no safe level of alcohol for a nursing mother," says the author of The main study Louisa Gibson of Macquarie University in Australia

"The safest option is to abstain from a badfeeding mother." Gibson said by email

that the women who smoked cigarettes during the time they were going, did not seem to have children with cognitive outcomes different from those of children. "That's not to say that it's safe to smoke," Gibson said. If women have difficulty giving up alcohol and smoking, they should discuss with their doctor ways to reduce their intake to minimize the effects on the baby. "

Although prenatal exposure to alcohol and nicotine, this study offers a new overview of the risks posed by exposure during lactation.

Children exposed to alcohol in bad milk had lower cognitive outcomes than other children even when their mothers did not smoke or drink during pregnancy. The effects of alcohol no longer appeared in test results when children were between 10 and 11 years old

One of the limitations of the study is that researchers lacked data on drinking bouts during pregnancy, which are badociated with cognitive problems in children.

It was also not a controlled experiment designed to prove whether or how alcohol consumption or smoking could directly cause cognitive problems.

the negative effects of alcohol consumption and smoking during pregnancy on the health outcomes of offspring are fairly clear; However, there is little information available on the effects of alcohol and tobacco on bad milk in infants, "said Dr. Svetlana Popova, a researcher at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health. University of Toronto.

"This study confirmed that badfeeding during badfeeding may result in a dose-dependent reduction in the cognitive abilities of children," Popova said by email

. Christina Chambers, a pediatric researcher at the University of California at San Diego, who did not participate in the study, said: "There is a need to learn more about how to consume and about amount ingested by the patient. Infant in the many months when bad milk is usually the only source of infant nutrition, "Chambers said by email.

Because badfeeding has many health benefits for babies – New mothers struggling to stop drinking while they badfeed should receive extra support for quitting, said the Dr. Lauren Jansson, author of an editorial and pediatric specialist at Johns Hopkins University School. "What we do not want is that this advice – do not use alcohol while badfeeding – is used as a punitive measure to attack women who choose to badfeed, or so that fewer women are badfeeding, "Jansson" For women who drink excessively or who are unable to reduce their use during pregnancy or the postnatal period, it is essential to have a good night's sleep. " an acceptable and non-punitive treatment of the supported in this group with appropriate intervention, "said Jansson.

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