Drugs against HIV dolutegravir banned by the Ministry of Health – Beauty and Health – Pulselive.co.ke



The Ministry of Health has banned the prescription of the anti-HIV drug dolutegravir.

The drug, known as DTG, has been badociated with birth defects in HIV-positive women

. Medical Services, Jackson Kioko in June 2017, had approved the use of DTG as an alternative "for HIV-positive and Efavirenz-intolerant people, people who inject drugs and who are on antiretroviral therapy or new drugs.

Under the new directive, all county directors must ensure that pregnant women and nursing mothers who have been prescribed with DTG end their prescription until that they stop badfeeding


Pregnant woman – prohibition of DTG (Caribbean360)

"Ministry Encourages All Caregivers to Be Alert in Identifying and Reporting Adverse Reactions Related to Antiretroviral Drugs" ] Daily Nation

For women prescribed with drugs and in the ages of 15 and 49, they are instead to be prescribed with Efavirenz.

Defects in Babies

Women taking the drug during their first trimester were at greater risk of giving birth to babies with neural tube defects.

According to the US Agency for Drugs and the European Medicines Agency last month.

An abnormality of the neural tube can occur early in pregnancy when the spinal cord and brain do not form properly.

"Women of childbearing potential who choose to take dolutegravir-containing therapy should routinely use effective birth control (contraception) during HIV treatment."

You can read the complete story here.

Source: Daily Nation

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