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As President Donald Trump travels to Helsinki, Finland for Monday meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Democrats
Congress demanded that Mr Trump abandon the summit, pointing to last week 's federal indictments of a dozen Russian intelligence reports.
officers as part of the in-depth investigation into the interference of Russia in the 2016 US elections.
"Donald Trump must absolutely put pressure on Putin on the issue of electoral interference," said Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer.
On Sunday, Democrats said they want hard words from the president on the Russia inquiry relayed directly to

The President's agenda indicated that MM. Trump and Putin would meet one-on-one for 90 minutes, followed by a working lunch.
with the best helpers.

Schumer said during these meetings, the president should formally request that Russia extradite the
12 Russian intelligence officers indicted last Friday by a federal grand jury, accused of hacking computers into the
National Democratic Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
with the aim of influencing the 2016 elections.

The Senate's leading Democrat communicated these demands during a telephone conversation Sunday with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,
who accompanied the president to Putin's summit.

"If President Trump insists on meeting Putin, I can not stop him," said Rep. Denny Heck (D-WA). "But I will insist
face Putin every time for his interference in our democracy. "

Ray w /
@SecPompeo today to make 3 points:

First, I do not think the meeting should take place, but if it will happen,
@realDonaldTrump must put pressure on Putin on the issue of electoral interference. He can not just lift it, accept Putin's denial, and then let
took him down.

– Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer)
July 15, 2018

On the eve of his meeting with Putin, the president did not shoot at the Russian leader, but at the American press.
body, Democrats, and the investigation of Russia in general.

"Much of our media is indeed the enemy of the people"
The President tweeted Sunday as he was preparing to leave his golf retreat in Scotland for the flight to Finland.

Over the weekend, Mr. Trump swept the very detailed indictments against the Russian secret service, accusing
success of the cyber attack on the Obama administration.

"Why did not they do something about it, especially when it was reported that President Obama was briefed by the FBI in September,
before the election? "
the president tweeted.

Congressional legislators were not only focused on the issue of electoral interference, but also expressed concerns about what
Mr. Trump could do on other issues, as Democrats also publicly urged the president not to relax economic sanctions
placed on Russia, after its moves to annex the Crimea, and as part of the military action supported by Russia in the east of Ukraine.

While GOP lawmakers say they want a better relationship with Moscow, they have publicly warned the president to pay attention
in negotiations with the Russian leader.

"Putin is tough, he is smart, he is ruthless," said Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL). "He'll probably want to have a lot,
and give nothing. "

"President Trump does the right thing," Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said Sunday about the meeting with Putin, although Kentucky
Republican clarified that, "Russia should not interfere in our elections."

"Putin is an autocrat, he is a thug," said Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) on the CBS program "Face the Nation," as he urged the president
to realize who he is dealing with.

In recent days, the President has given no indication that he will raise the issue of electoral interference in 2016 by
Russia, Mr Trump continues to mock the investigation into the possible links between Russian actions and his campaign as a
"Witch hunt" and a "hoax".

But last Friday's indictments painted the most complete picture yet of how Russian intelligence was active in hacking
e-mails and documents from Democrats, by distributing these documents to WikiLeaks via the fake character "Guccifer 2.0" – who claimed
to be Romanian.

When a company hired by the DNC publicly accused the Russian secret services of having hacked its efforts in June 2016, prosecutors said
the Russians just lied.

"In response, the conspirators created the online character Guccifer 2.0 and falsely claimed to be a lonely Romanian pirate
undermine allegations of Russian responsibility for intrusion. "

Key point in the indictment of Special Adviser Mueller: Guccifer 2.0 was a Russian front that coordinated the liberation of Democrats
Stolen emails to influence the 2016 elections.

– Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein)
15 July 2018

Among the highlights of the last indictment of the Office of Special Adviser Robert Mueller:

+ Extremely detailed allegations against a dozen agents of the GRU (Russian intelligence) for hacking the DNC and DCCC.

+ The indictment says a candidate for the Congress is 2016 contacted Guccifer 2.0 – which was really Russian Intelligence – and
received "stolen documents" on their opponent.

+ Details on contacts between "Organization 1" – which is clearly Wikileaks – and Russian intelligence, about leaks
e-mails from John Podesta and other documents from the DNC and the DCCC. The only answer from Wikileaks was this

+ The Russian secret service has not only targeted election offices and state websites, but also county election websites, in at least
three states. In addition, more than 100 spear phishing emails were sent to groups involved in elections in "many Florida counties".

+ The Russian secret services also obtained "badytics" developed by the Hillary Clinton campaign, by hacking the company
ran his "cloud" resources. The indictment did not clearly state what had been done with this campaign information.

You can read the last
Special Counsel Charges at this link.

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