First State of Hawaii to ban sunscreens with harmful ingredients for coral reefs


The governor of Hawaii has just signed a bill banning sunscreens containing harmful chemicals for coral reefs, oxybenzone and octinoxate from January 2021. Qu & # Does this mean for the future of skin protection? ( Daniel Holm Hansen | Pixabay )

Hawaii became the first state to ban sunscreens containing two ingredients known to be harmful to coral reefs.

What does prohibition mean for the protection of coral reefs and skin?

The Governor of Hawaii signs a new law

On July 3, the Governor of Hawaii David Ige signs several bills Bill 2571 which prohibits the sale, offering for sale and the distribution of sunscreens containing harmful chemicals for coral reefs, oxybenzone and octinoxate. According to Governor Ige, the new law aims to protect marine ecosystems and coral reefs which, based on scientific studies, are badly damaged by chemicals entering the water of swimmers, as well as by wastewater.

Studies have shown that the chemicals that will soon be banned harm coral reefs in various ways, from coral bleaching to inhibiting the growth of new corals and causing genetic damage to coral reefs and others. sea ​​creatures. 19659003] "Our natural environment is fragile, and our own interaction with the land can have lasting impacts," Governor Ige said in a statement. Senator Roz Baker also expressed his support for the bill, and reiterated the importance of coral reefs on the health of the entire planet.

Legislation was pbaded by state legislators in early May. make such a move. The ban should come into effect on January 1, 2021 and does not affect the makeup nor prescribed sunscreens containing these ingredients.

Praise And Criticism

Of course, although the movement has been praised by many environmental groups, some sectors such as commerce, business groups, as well as some health sectors have scruples about it. subject. Specifically, some dermatologists worry that the movement could prevent fans from wearing protective sunscreen, which would expose them to a higher risk of sunburn and skin cancer. In fact, the Consumer Healthcare Products Association has called this gesture "irresponsible" because it would prevent families from properly protecting themselves from ultraviolet rays.

Sunscreens are often the first line of defense when it comes to skin protection, whether one is on the beach or simply performing one's daily tasks, so it's natural to worry about implications of the new law on care and protection of the skin. However, it should be noted that only sunscreens with these ingredients will be banned, and not all sunscreens.

It's time to learn sunscreen

As the ban is expected to last about two and a half years from the day it was signed, it may still be time for a lot of Become familiar with sunscreens that do not have these harmful ingredients, and can also protect the skin effectively without risking harming marine life. Even now, there are already on the market sunscreens without oxybenzone and octinoxate, made from organic ingredients and excellent even for sensitive skin.

In addition, other measures such as staying away from the sun during rush hours wear loose protective clothing, do not use sunlamps and tanning beds, and become aware Reflective surfaces that can inadvertently cause sunburns even without direct sunlight are also very important measures for skin protection.

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