Flesh-eating bacteria eating raw oysters kills Florida man


  Raw Oysters
Raw oysters may carry Vibrio vulnificus, a bacterium that can cause flesh-eating disease.

Melie Nasr / Shutterstock.com

A 71-year-old man in Florida died on July 10 after being infected with bacteria that cause flesh-eating disease (necrotizing fasciitis) from eating contaminated raw oysters, according to local news reports.

The man ate the bad oyster at a Sarasota restaurant two days before succumbing to a gastrointestinal illness.

The Florida Department of Health told Sun Sentinel that the oyster was contaminated with the bacteria Vibrio vulnificus an organism that can cause serious and life-threatening illness.

There are about a dozen different types of bacteria Vibrio that can trigger various forms of gastrointestinal diseases known as vibriosis. Most cases are unpleasant but disappear within a few days, but infections of the species Vibrio vulnificus cause a "flesh-eating" fasciitis or necrotizing fasciitis that kills up to 30% infected people.

This bacterium is known to thrive in hot and salty water, that is why it can be found in seashells, especially in summer.

Young people, the elderly, and people with underlying health problems are particularly vulnerable to these infections.

It is especially important to pay attention to raw oysters in summer.


Vibriosis and flesh-eating bacteria

According to the CDC, there are approximately 80,000 vibriosis infections in the United States each year. Estimates suggest that 52,000 of these cases are likely the result of eating contaminated food, especially raw seafood. About 80% of these infections occur between May and October when the water is particularly hot – ideal for bacteria colonies to grow and thrive.

The vast majority of vibriosis infections result in typical symptoms of a food-borne illness: cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, fever, and chills.

But the species that the Florida man consumes, Vibrio vulnificus is more dangerous. This infection can cause bullous skin lesions, blood infections, and necrotizing fasciitis (a flesh-eating disease that causes soft tissue death) if a wound is infected. But it is very rare; CDC estimates are that there are about 205 cases in the United States each year. There have been 16 confirmed cases in Florida so far this year, with three deaths.

When treatment is possible, it is important to understand that Carman's disease is caused by Vibrio because it is treated differently from other bacteria. Other bacteria can cause diseases of the flesh – in fact, the bacteria Vibrio are much less likely to cause these infections than the bacteria of group A Streptococcus and some other kinds. But flesh-eating disease is one of the most common signs of Vibrio vulnificus according to one study.

Skin lesions caused by bacteria Vibrio vulnificus after Hurricane Katrina

Risky oysters in brackish water

According to the CDC, it is impossible to know if an oyster is carrying bacteria like Vibrio . A study conducted by the Florida State Health Bureau found that infection was the leading cause of death from food poisoning between 1981 and 1992. During this period, there was at least 72 infections mainly due to raw oysters and 36 deaths. Last year, Florida had 49 infections and 11 deaths.

These bacteria thrive in brackish water – a salt water, but not quite at the level of the seawater, from which often come oysters. People can also contract the bacteria if they wade in the water and have open sores.

Hurricane-induced flooding after Harvey caused at least one death in flesh-eating bacteria and there were several deaths of Vibrio after Katrina.

For people with severe vibriosis, antibiotics can treat some cases. Other cases result in amputations or death. People with liver conditions are much more likely to be seriously ill.

The CDC and other health departments have warned that the only way to kill bacteria is to cook the oysters well. The warmer waters (which are becoming more common) make raw oysters more risky to consume, said Bill Marler, a lawyer who focuses on cases of food poisoning, Business Insider. This fact was enough to convince him to never eat raw shellfish.

However, these cases are rare. Whether or not to wade in partially salted water or eating raw seafood worth the risk is an individual decision.

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