Half Lovato helped Frankie Grande with sobriety says the mom of Ariana Grande Joan


Half aided the Great family in a significant way Picture: Getty)

Half Lovato Helped Brother Ariana Grande Frankie to work her own sobriety, according to Joan Grande

Cool for summer singer Demi is currently recovering at the hospital after suffering from an alleged drug overdose .

The 25-year-old man had been sober for six years before a relapse earlier this year.

including Ellen DeGeneres, Nick Jonas and Justin Bieber all spoke out in favor of Demi, and now Joan, the mother of Ariana Grande, wrote a sweet tribute to the former Disney star.

In the long note, Joan urged people to help half Frankie in his sobriety.

Frankie is sober for a year (Photo: Santiago Felipe / FilmMagic)

Joan wrote: "I'm upset. , o Worm Half, I hope and pray that she will recover quickly and find sobriety … it's hard work, hard work, but with support and l & # 39; love, she will succeed! I know it, we are here for it in one way or another … it is a sweet and kind person, who has always shown love to everyone in the world.

"She was there for Frankie during his sober work … and as we know, he just celebrated his first year. She has always been so supportive of Ariana, sharing her experiences with celebrity and celebrity and the notoriety of growing up in a very public space … women who support women, what a fabulous idea! Yes, it can happen and it happens!

She continued in her Twitter note: "Sooo, in light of my introspection today, I will be yet another voice on social media giving an idea … business today." hui … try to be nice to everyone, try to remember that we are ALL human and that no one is better than the other, let us try to share the love and light, do not emit judgment … we will not amplify negativity! Remember, if you do not have anything good to say, why say it? Do not say it!

"You never know how bad you are hurting anyone. Try not to find your own value by upsetting others. You never know, if you share love and light, this can give you the value you are desperate for. Nobody knows what another person is going through, so why not support instead of tearing them up? Remember, not a fan base is better than the other, love and support that you love, but not by hitting others … what is the point? Do not compare achievements from one person to another, why not just celebrate success? That's a lot, I know, but try it today !! Maybe you will feel so good when you go to sleep tonight that you may want to start over again tomorrow …

It's work, but honestly, that's it. is it worth it for who you are not working? & # 39; Ariana, 25, tweeted her mother's message, adding, "Mom wrote something beautiful. Check it out. a lot of love. & # 39;

Learn more: Ariana Grande

The singer of God is a woman, who has been friends with Demi for years, tweeted to the support of the star as a result of her overdose, writing: "I t & rsquo; Like @ ddlovato & # 39;

An all-night party at his Hollywood Hills home.

It was claimed that she would not reveal to paramedics what drug she took; a report that she has taken heroin has since been refused.

PLUS: No criminal investigation on Demi Lovato because "no drugs are seized" after an alleged overdose

MORE: Justin Bieber's thought Demi Lovato was sober & # 39; whereas he sends prayers to the singer after & # 39; overdose & # 39;


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