Half Lovato is honest about recovery and relapse. That's why his fans like him.


Grammy-nominated pop star Demi Lovato was hospitalized this week after a drug overdose rumor, although details of the situation remain unknown. According to a statement released by the Lovato representative, the singer – who has spoken frankly in the past about her addiction and mental health problems – is now "awake and with her family". While she is recovering, many of her supporters have spoken

Immediately after the news of Lovato's hospitalization on Tuesday, fans started sharing stories on Twitter under the hashtag # HowDemiHasHelpedMe . "When I was in the worst part of my life and just wanted to give up completely, the speeches, the music and the book of Half helped keep asking for help," wrote one of them. "I just spent five years without a problem and I partly blame him."

"Demi Lovato is a good model, and his addiction problems do not change anything," writes Arkee E. for Conde's website Nast. Their.

"Half herself has done so much to encourage more and more people to come forward and share their stories," wrote Lainey Gossip, "to get help and be kind to them- same and towards others. "

While there are certainly some negative comments out there, overall, the overwhelming narrative of Lovato's apparent overdose is one of support and concern. ;admiration.

This is not something you can rely on when a celebrity struggles with addiction. In 2009, when Amy Winehouse, Grammy's award winning singer-songwriter, was hospitalized two years before her death, after her drug and alcohol problems became well-known, the gossip blog Oh No They Did He did not broadcast a flattering Winehouse image at the top and a lot of comment disgust downstairs.

"She has no one to blame for the situation she is in, but herself," said one. "Say whatever you want from her husband (I'm sure it's a dick) but no one has forced her to do drugs, I'm sure that he was able to put pressure on it but ultimately it was his choice. "

"To infinity I'm tired of it ~ drama ~", replied another.

For Lovato fans, however, the so-called "~ drama ~" is not a dealbreaker. That's because Lovato has always been open and transparent about her experience with addiction and mental illness, working to eliminate the stigma of recognizing mental health and addiction issues and making it easier for people to live. 39, get help. As a result, she has made resiliency and recovery an essential part of her image.

Throughout his career, Lovato has been emphasizing the idea that recovery is a process

Lovato has entered a center for treating eating disorders, l ', ato,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. self harm and Adderall in 2010 while she was 18 years old. in the middle of the tour with the Jonas Brothers to promote the Disney Channel Camp Rock 2 .

She was a Disney girl at this phase of her career, and as such, she was supposed to be a clean model – with the silent expectation that if she ended up falling behind in a titanic wreck and outrageous as Britney Spears did before her, it would only happen after she left Disney's control embrace. If Lovato was in rehab, Disney's traditional script dictated that she should recover quickly and then return to work as a new and improved woman.

Instead, Lovato made an MTV documentary about his recovery. The result – 1945 Stay Strong – has a slight hint of compromise from the company, Lovato repeatedly baduring her fans that she was sober, even though she would later reveal that she was on cocaine while filming. But it also strongly highlights that Lovato repeats again and again that his recovery is still a work in progress.

"I can not tell you that I have not vomited since treatment, I can not tell you that I have not cut myself since treatment," she says in the first 10 minutes. "I'm not perfect. It's a daily battle that I will face for the rest of my life. "

Lovato's Mission," she explains during Stay Strong is using her platform to raise awareness about mental illness and addiction and disorders The camera makes a montage of Lovato fans explaining what it means to them, and one after the other they repeat: "If she can do it, I can to do. "

" I really did not get that voice just for singing, "concludes Lovato, promising that she will use her talent to inspire others to seek help when they need, and to emphasize that they can survive their addictions, even knowing that relapses can occur again and again. 19659017] This is a message that she will come back to in her YouTube documentary of 2017, Simply Complicated in which she frankly talks about her experiences with drugs – including the time that she has. she gave to an emergency dancer – and how she felt after relapsing into her eating disorder as a result of a breakup. "The less I have to think about food, the easier it is for me to have a normal life," she says. "And I do not want to let anyone down, so when I have moments when I slip, I'm very ashamed."

Pop documentaries exist for pop stars to tell stories about themselves, and the story told by Lovato is that she is recovering. recovery is a continuous process, with relapses and setbacks.

So when Lovato released his new single "Sober" last month, singing, "Mom, I'm really sorry, I'm no longer sober," his fans understood. Relapse was a step back, but Lovato had been there before, and would make an effort to get better. She was resilient. And in fact, it was the note on which the song ended: "I promise I'll get help / This was not my intention," Lovato badures his listeners

In the context of this narrative, Lovato's apparent overdose is frightening. and sad, but it is not the subject of a salacious scandal, and it does not run up against eyes and words disdainful of "drama". Instead, the overdose becomes part of the healing process, which is a story that his fans know intimately and has inspired many of them through their own healings.

The news is part of the story of what makes Lovato both narrative and ambitious: She went through a terrible pain and darkness, but she rose to become a superstar, while recognizing that its recovery has not been easy and will continue forever. "If she can do it, then me too." It does not become a moral failure, but part of the story of Demi Lovato, who is resilient.

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