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By NASA // July 7, 2018
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NASA: A 60-Year Mission Underway
ABOVE THE VIDEO: The Parker Solar Probe Heat Shield, called the Thermal Protection System, is lifted and realigned with the spacecraft structure as Johns Engineers The Hopkins Applied Physics lab is preparing to install the 8-foot-diameter heat shield on July 27th. The 8-foot-diameter heat shield will protect everything in its shadow, the shadow it projects onto the spacecraft. (NASA) – The launch of Parker Solar Probe, the mission that will approach the Sun more than any other man-made object, is fast approaching, and on June 27, Parker Solar Probe a heat shield – called the thermal protection system, or TPS – was installed on the spacecraft.
A 60-year ongoing mission, Parker Solar Probe will make a historic journey to the sun's crown, a region of the solar atmosphere. 19659011] Thanks to its revolutionary thermal shield, now permanently attached to the spacecraft in anticipation of its launch in August 2018, the spacecraft's orbit will take it to within 4 million miles of the surface extremely hot sun, where he will collect unprecedented data.
The eight-foot-diameter heat shield will protect everything in its shadow, the shadow it projects onto the spacecraft.
At the closest approach to the Solar Solar Probe sun, the t The heat shield will reach nearly 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit, but the spacecraft and its instruments will be maintained at a relatively comfortable temperature. about 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
The heat shield consists of two panels of carbon-carbon composite superheated sandwiching a light weight 4.5-inch carbon foam core
ABOVE THE VIDEO: NASA's Parker solar probe will be the first mission to "touch" the sun. The spacecraft, the size of a small car, will travel directly into the sun's atmosphere about 4 million miles from the surface of our star.
The solar side of the heat shield is also sprayed with a specially formulated white coating as much of the Sun's energy away from the spacecraft as possible. The heat shield itself weighs only about 160 pounds – here on Earth, the foam core is 97% air.
Because Parker Solar Probe moves so fast – 430,000 miles per hour to its closest approach to the Sun, fast enough to travel Philadelphia to Washington, DC, in about a second – the shield and the spaceship must be light weight to reach the necessary orbit.
The Relocation of the Thermal Protection System – which was briefly attached to the spacecraft during testing at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab in Laurel, Maryland, in the fall of 2017 – marks the first time in months that Parker Solar Probe is fully integrated.
The heat shield and spacecraft were tested and evaluated separately at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. before being shipped to Astrotech Space Operations in Titusville, Florida, in April 2018.
With the recent reunification, Parker Solar Probe approaches the launch and heads to the Sun.

The Parker Solar Probe will launch on August 4th at Cape Canaveral, the first mission of humanity in the sun
Parker Solar Probe is part of NASA's Living with a Star program, to explore aspects of the Sun . LWS is managed by Goddard for the Division of Heliophysics of the NASA Scientific Missions Directorate in Washington, DC
The Johns Hopkins Laboratory of Applied Physics manages the Parker Solar Probe mission for NASA. APL has designed and built the spacecraft and will also use it.
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