Hepatitis patients: "Patients with hepatitis at higher risk of liver cancer" | Hyderabad News


HYDERABAD: With & # 39; Test. Treat. The theme of World Hepatitis Day is this year, the doctors emphasize the importance of raising awareness about this largely neglected disease and the need for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and those who have undergone blood transfusions to be screened early and regularly.


"Viral hepatitis is a major cause of health problems in India and is now equated with a threat comparable to the" big three "communicable diseases – HIV / AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis . The viruses of hepatitis A and hepatitis E are mainly enteric pathogens that are responsible for both sporadic infections and acute viral hepatitis epidemics . Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are mainly transmitted parenterally and are known to cause chronic hepatitis, which can lead to serious complications, including cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma. About 400 million people in the world suffer from chronic hepatitis in the world, "said Dr. Dharmesh Kapoor, a senior hepatologist at a city hospital.If a person is at risk of contracting the disease, they must be tested early and regularly, said the doctors.

"At the moment when one of the symptoms manifests itself, it is usually too late.Those who have hepatitis are at great risk of liver cancer and liver disease.Baby babies can be saved of infection if they receive the vaccine immediately after birth, "said Dr. Bhavani Rajum, a gastroenterologist in a city hospital.

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