HIV-infected people twice at risk for heart disease


Washington DC, July 19: According to a global study, HIV infection doubles the risk of heart disease.

Analysis of global numbers reveals that HIV-badociated cardiovascular disease has more than tripled in the last 20 years.

Sub-Saharan Africa and the Asia-Pacific region are the most affected, including Swaziland, Botswana and Lesotho.

Researchers say the results will help target treatments for those most affected. An international team of experts, led by the University of Edinburgh, has reviewed studies in 153 countries to determine the heart disease rate among people living with HIV.

They also calculated the number of years lost as a result of death or health problems in each country in order to measure the overall impact of the disease – or what is called the burden of health.

Studies involving nearly 800,000 people showed that the risk of cardiovascular disease among people living with HIV was twice as high as among uninfected people.

More than two-thirds of the burden of HIV-badociated heart disease has been observed in sub-Saharan Africa In some parts of the world, HIV ranks alongside better-known risk factors – such as diet and the mode of life – as a major cause of heart disease.

There are more than 35 million people infected with HIV worldwide, a figure that is constantly increasing. Infected people are now more likely to die from chronic diseases, such as cancer or cardiovascular disease, because life-saving drugs may contain the virus.

The link between HIV and heart disease is poorly understood. Scientists believe that the virus can cause inflammation of the blood vessels, which puts pressure on the cardiovascular system.

It is also believed that the virus increases the levels of fat in the blood and affects the body's ability to regulate sugar levels. Dr. Anoop Shah, Professor of Cardiology at the University of Edinburgh, said: "This study has important implications in planning cardiovascular prevention policies in low-resource countries where the burden of HIV remains high and that of cardiovascular diseases. "

The results have been reported in Circulation.

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