How to ban mosquitoes from your yard


The time spent in the backyard in the afternoons and evenings of summer greatly contributes to the popularity of this time of year. Many homeowners make great efforts to make their outdoor living spaces as luxurious as possible, only to be disturbed by uninvited guests and annoying: mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are not only annoying nuisances, they are also harmful. According to the American Mosquito Control Association, more than one million people worldwide die from mosquito – borne diseases each year. These diseases include malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, West Nile virus and Zika virus.

The AMCA notes that many mosquito-borne diseases may be related to travel to endemic areas. But mosquitoes in North America can still be harmful, and bites can cause severe skin irritation by an allergic reaction to mosquito saliva.

Homeowners can use several measures to prevent mosquitoes from invading their backyard this spring and summer. Remove stagnant water. Stagnant water is an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes, so homeowners must be diligent in their efforts to remove stagnant water around their properties. Mosquitoes can breed in bird baths, pet water bowls and empty plant pots that collect rainwater. Regularly switching these items and filling them with fresh water can prevent mosquito infestations, thus protecting humans and pets.

Inspect the property for hidden water pockets. While bird baths, pet bowls and children's pools are easy to find, homeowners may unknowingly house mosquito breeding grounds elsewhere on their properties. For example, tarpaulins used to cover swimming pools, automobiles or barbecues that are not securely attached can fold back, creating pockets where rainwater can accumulate and give mosquitoes a place where to reproduce. Mosquitoes can also use gutters to reproduce, so homeowners should regularly inspect and clean their gutters in the spring and summer.

Keep a well-maintained lawn. Well-manicured lawns are less likely to be breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Because water plays a crucial role in the breeding process of mosquitoes, it is necessary to remove all potential water sources in a yard. Fallen leaves that are not removed and soil pockets under trees and plants can collect rainwater or water from lawn sprinklers, which may be just enough for mosquitoes to get reproduce

Consumer Reports tested the effectiveness of oscillating pedestal fans to prevent mosquitoes from invading terraces and patios and discovered that these fans reduced mosquito landings by 45 to 65% for those sitting closest to the fans. When organizing barbecues in gardens, homeowners can install many of these fans on their patios and patios to keep mosquitoes away.

Mosquitoes are unwanted hosts in summer. But homeowners can take steps to increase the likelihood that their properties will remain without mosquitoes.

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