July 2018 Lunar total lunar eclipse of blood: Date, best time to see it


There is good news and bad news when it comes to the total lunar eclipse from July 27 to 28.

The good news is that the lunar eclipse will be the longest of the 21st century . for 1 hour and 43 minutes. From start to finish, the moon will take nearly four hours to cross the shady shadow of Earth, reports EarthSky.

The bad news? People in the United States will not have a view of the eclipse.

The total lunar eclipse, producing what is called a "blood moon" for the reddish hue that it produces, will be visible from East Africa. , parts of the Middle East. Europe, Asia and Australia. The United States will miss the lunar eclipse because the moon should pbad over Canada before crossing the Atlantic Ocean towards Northern Europe.

What is a lunar eclipse? [19659002] A lunar eclipse occurs when the path of Earth's orbit aligns directly between the sun and the moon. When this happens, the Earth blocks the light of the moon, obscuring the moon with the shadow of the Earth.

If the sun's rays are completely blocked, the moon takes on a red or orange hue, giving it the name of "Blood Moon". "

How to observe the lunar eclipse

You can still look at the eclipse even if you will not be in one of the countries where it will be most visible The virtual telescope project will start a livestream at 2:30 pm ET

The next lunar eclipse will take place from January 20 to 21, 2019. It will be visible in the US After that, there will be total solar eclipses on the 2 July 2019 and December 14, 2020. [19659011] [ad_2]
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