Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin plan a small wedding | Entertainment


Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin plan "intimate" wedding

The couple got engaged only last week after the 24-year-old singer knelt on a romantic Bahamas vacation, but it seems like they were wasting no time planning the wedding because they already decided that they wanted a little adventure in Justin's native Canada.

A source told us: very small marriage.

"They want something private, intimate.Justin loves Canada and is at home there.It is a special place for him and he would like to get married there.

But before they are hired, they are ready to participate in a five-week pre-wedding course – which will cover financial management and intimacy – held by controversial celebrity megachurch Hillsong.

source said recently, "The wedding course is something that is encouraged and in some cases required by the Hillsong pastors before they marry you." Justin obviously has a past, he has had a long-term relationship with Selena Gomez, and he wants to get into life with Hailey with a clean slate.

"It's something they're both eager to do, because faith is important to them [19659002] The couple takes their faith seriously and was seen attending Hillsong services in Australia and New Zealand in the last four years.

Justin is also very friendly with Pastor Carl Lentz often credits him for having helped to see the error of his behavior as a result of numerous scandals

An insider explained: " Justin loves, honors and respects Hailey and takes this commitment very seriously.The differences and that's why they separate – but now he feels that it's 100 percent right and can not wait to be his husband. "

The five-week course will begin with an online badessment of the strengths and weaknesses in their relationship before the church will review the findings and decide which areas should be targeted throughout the sessions. ;a month.

According to the Hillsong Church website, each participating couple will be awarded a "support couple" and will be invited to attend five clbades. a period of five weeks.

He says, "If you were not ready for marriage before, you will be ready now."

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