KDHE warns of West Nile virus in northeastern Kansas


TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – There is a high risk of West Nile virus infections in northeastern Kansas – as well as a large part of the rest of the state, warns the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

The virus is transmitted to people by mosquito bites, says KDHE. It does not spread from person to person. About one in five infected people develop other symptoms, including fever. About one in every 150 infected people develop swelling of the brain or brain tissue, which could lead to death.

KDHE says that there have been more than 600 cases of the most severe form of the virus so far this year and 30 deaths between 1999-2017. Most infections occur in late summer and early fall.

KDHE stated that there was no case currently. The agency encourages people to take preventive measures.

"Know your risk and take steps to prevent mosquito bites from protecting you and your family from West Nile virus," said Dr. Greg Lakin. ] KDHE recommends the following preventative measures:

  • Visit the KDHE WNV website each week for the current level of WNV risk: http://www.kdheks.gov/epi/arboviral_disease.htm;
  • When you are outdoors, use an insect repellent containing an EPA -approved active ingredient on skin and clothing, including DEET, picaridine, lemon eucalyptus oil , or IR3535. Follow the instructions on the package
  • . Many mosquitoes are more active at dusk and dawn. Make sure to use an insect repellent and wear long sleeves and pants, or plan to stay indoors during these hours;
  • Elderly or debilitated people should consider limiting their exposure to the outdoors at dusk and dawn.
  • Make sure you have good screens on your windows and doors to keep mosquitoes away
  • Get rid of mosquito breeding sites by emptying stagnant water from flower pots, buckets and barrels. Change the water in the pet dishes and replace the water in the bird baths a week. Drill holes in the tires so that the water runs off. Keep children's wading pools empty and on their sides when not in use;
  • Horses can also be infected with WNV. Talk with your veterinarian about vaccinating your horse to protect against WNV.

There are no vaccines against West Nile, says KDHE. However, they note, people who have been infected are considered immune.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention provides this webpage with additional information on West Nile virus and mosquito bite prevention: http://www.cdc.gov/ characteristics / StopMosquitoes /. For questions about West Nile virus or other arboviral diseases, please contact KDHE's Epidemiology Helpline at 877-427-7317

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