Lancashire (LON: LRE) Target Price Raised to GBX 667 at Barclays


 Lancashire logo "title =" Lancashire logo "clbad =" companylogo "/> <span style= Lancashire (LON: LRE) had its target price boosted by badysts at Barclays from GBX 659 ($ 8.72) to GBX 667 ( $ 8.83) in a report issued on Wednesday, July 18th The price of this paper has been increased by the same number of years.

Several other badysts LEMONFULLY PRESSED IN LRE.CARGPROG LITERACY OF LITTLEGUARDS FROM LITERATURE FROM GBX 635 ($ 8.41) TO GBX 620 ($ 8.21) AND SETTING A "neutral" rating on a stock report on Wednesday, April 25. Peel Hunt reaffirmed an "add" rating and issuance to GBX 690 ($ 9.13) Targeted Numbers of Securities in the United States, April 30th. Switzerland Group reaffirmed a "neutral" rating and issued to GBX 580 ($ 7.68) Lancashire in a report on Friday, May 4th. Finally, HSBC lifted their target price on shares of Lancashire from GBX 689 ($ 9.12) to GBX 698 ($ 9.24) and gave the company a "buy" rating in a report on Wednesday, May 9th. One equities research badyst has rated the value of a credit rating, and has given a rating and has given a rating to the stock. The stock presents an average rating of "Hold" and an average target price of GBX 690.55 ($ 9.14).

Shares of LON: LRE traded up GBX 6 ($ 0.08) during midday trading on Wednesday, hitting GBX 571.50 ($ 7.56) . The stock had a trading volume of 663,983 shares, compared to its average volume of 1,020,000. Lancashire has 1 year low of GBX 542.50 ($ 7.18) and a 1 year high of GBX 773.50 ($ 10.24).

Lancashire Company Profile

Lancashire Holdings Limited provides insurance and reinsurance products worldwide. The company operates through five segments: Property, Energy, Marine, Aviation, and Lloyd's. It offers aviation insurance solutions; earthquakes, and floods, as well as standalone business interruption coverage; and a range of coverages in naval portfolio, including navy hull, total loss only, mortgagees interests insurance, mortgagees additional perils, excess protection and indemnity, navy war, and builder's risks to high-profile accounts, cruise ships, and liquid natural gas carriers

See Also: Diversification

 Analyst Recommendations for Lancashire (LON: LRE) "title =" Analyst Recommendations for Lancashire (LON: LRE) "</p>
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