Launch of Blue Origin's spectacular new Rocket Blue Shepard test


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Blue Origin launched its New Shepard suborbital spacecraft for the ninth time today (July 18) during an unbadembled test that "grows [la fusée à ses limites»] as the company he said on Twitter yesterday.

The launch was scheduled for 10 pm EDT but was delayed for one hour for reasons that the company did not specify. The launch also lasted eight minutes before New Shepard – a duo of reusable rocket capsules – took off one block at the Blue Origin test site in West Texas.

The mission today was to test the high altitude. New Shepard's crew capsule escape, said the representatives of Blue Origin, which is headed by founder Jeff Bezos. [Photos: New Shepard’s December 2017 Test Flight]

"On Mission 9, we propel the exhaust engine of the crew capsule to the highest altitude ever seen, we insist that astronauts be able to move away of an anomaly at any time during the flight.] the company declared in a statement yesterday .

Ready for take-off! New Shepard is preparing for its ninth mission. We will do a test of engine d & # 39; Escape at high altitude – pushing the rocket to its limits.The launch is tomorrow Details on upcoming live broadcast.

– Origin Blue (@blueorigin) July 17, 2018

At launch, Blue Origin engineers were looking for the "red line" on this system, company spokesperson Ariane Cornell said during a webcast during the period preceding the launch, by comparing it to stress tests that endure nt cars and planes before going on sale. "At Blue Origin, we are all safety conscious," she said. "It's there that we keep our attention today."

The test required sending the capsule between 390,000 and 400,000 feet (about 120 kilometers), then waiting about 20 seconds for the thruster to disengage. would not interfere with the capsule test. "We are going to shoot it in the void of space for the first time," Cornell said. "We have never done this before."

The new Shepard behaved as expected during the flight today, appearing to have pbaded the test, said Cornell. The propeller and capsule landed safely within 12 minutes of take-off, which landed gently on the desert floor beneath the parachutes, sending a plume of dust.

During the test flight, the rocket was loaded with the test dummy Blue Origin, dubbed "Skywalker Manikin", who took her third flight to the ship. space today, and a host of scientific payloads. These experiences touch on topics such as the use of WiFi in space, the modeling of cosmic dust clouds, the monitoring of conditions in the capsule and the protection of vibrations during flight, according to the company statements before the launch

. The launch of Shepard, which took place in April, was delayed by inclement weather, but went smoothly, the rocket reaching nearly 66 miles (107 km) and flying for just over 10 minutes, according to the company's reports. program is designed to carry tourists as well as commercial payloads and scientific experiments on brief trips to the suborbital space. According to Blue Origin's launch cover, the upcoming New Shepard to launch will have a fully equipped customer capsule.

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