Let us work together to "test, treat and eliminate hepatitis"


Punjab News Express / Jagmohan Singh
AMRITSAR : Viral hepatitis (hepatitis B and C) remains a major challenge affecting approximately 325 million people worldwide. This is the root cause of liver cancer, which causes 1.34 million deaths each year. Brahm Mohindra, Minister of Health and Family and Medical Education and Research, called on health professionals not only to educate the mbades, but also to work for the elimination of hepatitis

. ] Addressing the meeting here today, he said that nearly 50,000 patients suffering from this disease in Punjab. He said that the free HCV treatment available in 25 Govt and Pb. Govt hospitals has published Rs. 28 crores for this purpose.

"World Hepatitis Day" is observed annually by the World Health Organization (WHO) with emphasis on the topic "Test, Treat Hepatitis" for the events of World Hepatitis Day 2018.

The Minister was speaking at a meeting jointly organized by the Government of Punjab, GI RENDEZVOUS and PunBoard.

The state of Punjab is under the influence of high hepatitis and is one of the most affected regions of the country.

In 2015, a group of health professionals took over to stem this trend. to raise public awareness of common but deadly and silent diseases to contribute to the well-being of society as a whole and GI RENDEZVOUS was born.

He said, since then, the team has been busy making every effort to educate all sections of society. While sharing the hepatitis information virus, experts have informed that
according to WHO, India is one of 11 countries that supports almost 50% of the global burden of chronic hepatitis. Hepatitis is a condition related to inflammation of the liver and is usually due to a viral infection. However, experts also talked about A (alcohol), B (Hepatitis B), C (Hepatitis C) and D (diabetes) causes of hepatitis and mentioned how sometimes 2 or 3 of these factors can damage the liver in less than 10 years

The WHO says that hepatitis B and C are chronic viruses that may not show symptoms for a long time after the initial infection, sometimes years or decades. At least 60% of liver cancer cases are due to late testing and treatment of viral hepatitis B and C. The low coverage of tests and treatments is the major gap to be met in order to achieve the global elimination goals of 39, here in 2030, he said.

Dr. Sonal Asthana, a prominent liver surgeon from Bangalore, has informed that nearly 10,000 children die of liver failure in India each year. Liver transplantation is a safe and effective treatment for liver failure and is now well established in India. The major problem in India is the cost of treatment. Although technology and skills are available, most Indians are unable to afford the cost of a liver transplant. In the case of children, parents are usually voluntary donors, but most children do not reach a transplant because of a lack of funding.

Sonal said the Aster Integrated Liver Care team at Aster CMI Hospital has designed an innovative funding mechanism to support children in need of a liver transplant. He informed that the motto of the affordable liver transplant initiative is that no child who needs a rescue transplant should be denied because of his economic status. The AILC is badociated with the Pravin Agarwal Fund (TPAF) as well as in Milaap, a crowdfunding organization that offers a liver transplant to children at a cost of 2.5 lakhs to the family. .

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