Look at astronauts falling on the moon – that's for science, honest


You went through space for three days. You land on the moon – tired, dizzy and probably at least a little nauseous – and you jostle to tie your helmet. You open a hatch and explore an extraterrestrial landscape barely touched by humans.

It is the experience of some of the moon walkers of our nation, as revealed in the video below from the NASA archives

Gravity – the invisible force keeping us all, for the most part, firmly on the ground – is much lower on the moon than on our planet, about 17% of what we feel on Earth. Although this allows astronauts to bounce off the surface as they do on a trampoline, it can also make their balance more difficult.

Add a space suit of 80 pounds to the mix and you get a recipe to tumble.

Understanding how the human body adapts to foreign terrain is a major concern for space agencies like NASA. It is so important that NASA kept a register of astronauts falling to the ground for the Apollo 15 and Apollo 16 missions.

Scientists used "Apollo 15 time and motion study" to "evaluate the differences, In other words, to find out how and why astronauts fell – or almost fell – on the surface of the Moon.

He notes how astronaut David Scott loses foot and falls down twice while taking pictures.The report shows gravitational effects, limited visibility and surface conditions for the falls.

Buzz Aldrin, who was the second person to walk on the moon, about eight minutes after the commander of Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong, described the dusty surface of the orb.a bit like "wet talcum powder" in a session Reddit Ask Me Anything 2014.

The study Apollo 16 Time and Motion Spends Eight Pages on Six Falls lunar captured on tape by NASA cameras. Most of the time, astronauts have slipped and tumbled when they bent down to pick up bags, brushes and hammers. The uneven and dusty surface made it difficult to pull the feet and they fell to the ground.

This type of information is crucial to understanding how to maximize motion in unfamiliar environments. As the exploration of the human space points to the moon and even to Mars, keeping both feet on the ground will be a priority for NASA.

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