Melanoma blood test: scientists unveil world-first research


  A Melanoma Tumor

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Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer

Australian scientists say they developed a blood test to detect melanoma in its infancy.

The test, presented as a world first, is designed to facilitate the detection of skin cancer before it becomes lethal, according to researchers

Currently, doctors rely on skin exams and biopsies to detect melanoma, which can spread quickly.

Researchers say the blood test could provide more accurate results than the human eye and save many lives. By scientists at Edith Cowan University, the test detects melanoma by recognizing auto-antibodies produced by the body to combat early cancer growth.

In a trial involving approximately 200 people – half of whom had cancer – the test was successful in 81.5% of cases.

He will now undergo clinical trials, which will take place within three years, with the aim of improving its accuracy to 90%. The researchers hope that it could be approved for use within five years.

Early Detection

Malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, is primarily caused by exposure to UV rays. It often starts with a mole change or new growth on the skin.

While specialists are well trained to detect melanoma, Professor Mel Ziman, head of the research team, said the blood test could speed up the diagnosis. "Often in routine clinical practice, it can be a bit difficult to tell a melanoma at an early stage of a mole," she told the BBC

"This blood test will incorporate when the patient goes to the clinic to determine if the lesion is a melanoma: the doctor could do the test before feeling obligated to do a biopsy. "

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A biopsy is needed to diagnose a melanoma with certainty

The study initially examined 1,627 functional proteins. After badysis, the researchers identified 10 autoantibodies that best indicated the presence of melanoma.

Professor Ziman stated that early detection of melanoma was critical.

"If we can eliminate melanoma 98-99% chance of survival," she said.

"As soon as it spreads further into the skin, survival rates drop considerably. "

Melanoma represents the highest number of skin cancer deaths, according to the World Health Organization.

In Australia, where incidence rates are highest high, about 1500 people die of melanoma each year.

The test will not detect other types of skin cancers such as squamous cells and basal cell carcinomas.

Health experts urged people to continue to check their skin.

"The false positive and false negative rates of this test mean that the results should be interpreted with caution and, if possible, combined with a complete skin check by a dermatologist ", Prof. Rodney Sinclair, dermatology of Univ Melbourne expert, said Australian Associated Press.

The research was published in the journal Oncotarget.

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