posted: 12:00 09 July 2018 | UPDATE: 12:30 09 July 2018
Donation box of organs arriving at the hospital for a transplant operation. Photo: NHSBT
More people donate life saving organs after their death than ever before, new figures have revealed, with a donor registering every two weeks in Suffolk.
NHS Blood and Transplant figures indicate that 24 people became deceased organ donors in the county last year. The annual report of transplant activity revealed growing support for donation in Suffolk and in the country, where a record 1,574 people saved lives through the donation of deceased organs during Last 12 months.
Only five people became deceased donors in Suffolk – five times less than the number of new donors last year.
However, there remains a general shortage and an urgent need for more people to support the donation.
While an average of three people die in need of an organ each day, many bereaved families are unaware of the willingness of their loved ones to donate and save lives.
As of May 2018, there were still 40 people from Suffolk on the waiting list for transplantation.
In Suffolk, 11 people from Ipswich are on the waiting list.
Sally Johnson, Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation for NHS Blood and Transplant, said, "We are incredibly grateful to all Suffolk families who have chosen to say 'yes' to the gift of 39, organs
"The donation of organs is the only hope for many desperately sick people.
"We know that many families feel a sense of pride and solace because of their decision to save lives through organ donation."
The annual report also shows how to save money. Potential donors' average age increased to 51 years in Suffolk last year – but many over the age of 50 choose not to join the donor organs of the NHS. families they want to donate, because they do not think that their organs could help, despite the age and health status that is not necessarily a barrier to donation.
Ms. Johnson added, "We need more than 50 years in Suffolk to support the donation.
"Older people can still save and transform lives through donation of organs and tissues.
" Many more lives could be saved by telling their families that they want to make a difference. don. "
Join the organ register at organdonation.nhs.uk
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