A NASA High Director Talking to Prime Minister Steven Marshall about the Possibility of Establishing an Internship Program between the United States Space Agency and South Australian Universities

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center vice-president of technology and research investments, Christyl Johnson, said she was in the process of establishing a working agreement between NASA and South Australia. She will travel to Adelaide next week to talk about new areas of space research at Hybrid World Adelaide.
She indicated that the internship program would accept graduate scientists and a few undergraduate engineering students to work in the Goddard Space. Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, for about a year
"We have researchers who are already working with some of your researchers, but to be able to do an internship to some of these students, who come to the United States and spend perhaps a year of work in the labs, to have first-hand research experience with our researchers, it would be a Johnson InDaily
"Our researchers would benefit and your researchers would benefit of this type of exchange. "
The Goddard Space Flight Center manages communications between mission control and astronauts in orbit space station.It also met with a team of engineers charged with building telescopes and test chambers monitoring the satellites in orbit.
Johnson announced that she would meet Marshall, representatives of the state government and the direc General Manager of the Australian Space Agency, Megan Clark. She said during her previous visits to South Australia that she had been impressed by the state's communication technology industry and her "popular" approach to investing in the space industry.
million. Johnson said: [TRADUCTION] "You have commercial companies that have done that and have actually delivered spacecraft, which is wonderful, but a lot of the amazing things that I've seen are in your universities. "
Johnson said she was astonished. She was also impressed by the Mike Roach Space Education Center at Hamilton Secondary School, established last September, at the University of Ottawa. University of South Australia, at Adelaide University and at Flinders University, last year to encourage students to enter a career in the space industry. [19659011] "I do not know of any high school or college student in the United States who enjoys this type of exposure.
Johnson stated that, even though she was unaware of the economic ability of South Australia to host the new Australian space agency, she thought the state had the technical expertise needed to become a leading space research center. The director of the Australian Space Agency, Megan Clark, said Friday that South Australia – and perhaps the former site of the Royal Adelaide Hospital – was the best location for the National agency. 659011] He said that the agency could be established in South Australia in six months.
The federal government has pledged $ 41 million for the creation of an Australian space agency in the 2018-19 budget, with the location of the agency to be determined
A decision should be made of 39; here the end of the year
"I can see that the investment is there to actually facilitate so many innovations out there in South Australia." Johnson said, "Your institute AI has done quite a lot at the University of South Australia, heading some areas of research that could be very, very instrumental for all of Australia.
" Domains like quantum technology development will make a revolutionary change (that is to say) able to protect information going from one place to another without people being able to take your information or listen to your information. conversations. "
According to Johnson, the Goddard Center was only to use his James Webb telescope to go back in time and "unravel the mysteries of the universe".
The telescope will be the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope and will allow scientists to observe some of the events and objects furthest from the universe, including the formation of the first galaxies.
Johnson said scientists would also use the telescope to explore environmental changes on Mars.
"We want to use it to study what happened to Mars and what happened to other planets that could have had an existence like life, water and that kind of things. "
" We must understand this to understand what could happen to our own planet and do everything we can to prevent it. "
Johnson said humans could reach Mars as early as 2030
"If we are counting on the government to do it alone, it should be in the 2030s we Wo We could finally see something start going up, but if private industry is engaged and that 's private industry has the commitment, there is the possibility that we can start to see this happen even earlier.
"It really depends on how many people are hiring and know how we can work together on a common goal.
Dr. Christyl Johnson will lead the Hybrid World Adelaide conference on innovation and research in the space industry from July 23 to 24. To learn more, click here. 19659040] We value local independent journalism. We hope you too.
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