Nearly 70% of millennials regret having bought their home. here's why


Finding the right solution is as important as having the right budget when it comes to homeownership. The survey found that almost half of the generation had regrets about the house itself.

One in five reported being frustrated by the damage she suffered after moving.

To avoid unplanned expenses, experts recommend conducting an inspection of the house before finalizing the sale. "Especially if you are a first time buyer or new to the property, you may not even know what to look for, so you really want to have the expert on your side," says Tan.

It can also help to define what you really need in a home. Make a list of your must-have before starting to search and know what you are willing to compromise, says Hale. It is currently a very competitive market, so it is likely that you will have to make compromises.

In fact, about two-thirds of homebuyers said they were compromising on a residential characteristic, according to a survey by the National Association of Realtors.

"The more targeted your search is," says Hale, " the more likely you are not to waste your time or get distracted by homes that do not suit you." Follow this advice , and you can avoid buying a house you regret.

Do not miss it:

How an often overlooked part of owning a home can cost you $ 6,000 or more year

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