Netflix just made it easier to watch


Binge-watching has become one of the most popular ways of consuming television, to the point that broadcast networks are being left behind and struggling to find a way to compete with streaming services. Netflix has long been king in terms of streaming television and binge-watching, and its appeal has only grown once it has begun to offer the ability to download content. Now, Netflix has made hyper-observation and downloading easier than ever. Binge-observers rejoice!

Well, observers of the frenzy rejoice unless they hoped to take some time away from Netflix. The new download feature of the streaming service will undoubtedly enable many people who prefer to consume their television by watching multiple episodes at a time. Called "Smart Downloads", this feature will allow subscribers to watch an episode, then automatically delete it and replace it with the next episode of the series. All you have to do is watch and Netflix will take care of the rest with smart downloads.

The announcement came via the director of product innovation, Cameron Johnson, on the Netflix blog. According to the publication, it can be annoying to have to go through apps on devices and "delete files you no longer need" and that most of Netflix's service is from " connect with the stories you'll like more easily and more "Everyone will not necessarily be on top with a new feature that will not change anything unless you download to watch Netflix, but I know I'm happy , if only because it means I do not need memory to download an entire season or block of episodes at a time.

If Smart Downloads is not your thing when it comes to watching dumplings, you do not have to worry that this is the only option to download on Netflix. To learn more about disabling this setting and what the new feature can offer, check out the Netflix video:

It seems that the Smart Downloads option is currently only available on phones and Android tablets. but there is a good chance that it will also become available for other devices, especially if the feature is a hit with users right from the start. Netflix has come a long way since it's avoided making downloadable content an option!

The addition of smart downloads is not the only big change to the streaming service. News announced last week that Netflix was removing online reviews, and it is now possible that Netflix will start spending more than all combined networks by 2022. An "Ultra" version could even become available! Take a look at how the streaming platform saves TV drivers, and it's clear that Netflix does not intend to stop tracing the way in regarding television.

If you are in the mood Netflix guide for your viewing options now and in the not too distant future. Our Amazon guide can also guide you to other streaming options.

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