Netflix presents the smart download feature on Android


STREAMING Giant Netflix has launched a new feature to ensure that users always have their favorite shows to watch while on the go.

In 2016, Netflix launched a download feature that allowed users to watch certain content on their mobile or tablet when they were offline. But the company noticed that people often only downloaded two or three episodes one set at a time, rather than downloading the entire season.

Netflix has created a feature that takes care of you, Smart Downloads. When it's turned on, the next time the mobile app connects to Wi-Fi, it automatically downloads the next available episode of the series and deletes the one you just finished to free from the # 39; space.

"We have done a lot of users looking in markets around the world, and the main observation is that generally people do not download an entire season, but tend to download 2-3 episodes at a time Then they will manually delete and download the following episodes, "said Cameron Johnson, director of product innovation at Netflix, at

" It's a lot of work to Smart downloads mean that users can spend less time managing their downloads and more time enjoying great content. "

However, Smart Downloads is currently only available on Android devices and Netflix

Although not all shows are available for download, in some cases Netflix does not have distribution rights, the library can be unloaded continues to grow. The company is expected to spend up to $ 17 billion in content in 2018.


Last week, reports revealed that the streaming giant was testing a premium premium "Ultra" subscription in Europe offering 4K Ultra HD video with High Dynamic Range (HDR) quality and the ability to watch on four screens at the same time.

The news led to speculation that the company when asked last week if Australians should expect another price hike after Netflix raised prices for all its plans Last year, the company said the tests were aimed at trying to better understand how its customers rate different parts of the service.

"We are constantly testing new things at Netflix and these tests usually vary in terms of duration, in which case we are testing slightly different price points and features to better understand how consumers value Netflix," he said. A spokesperson for the company at last week
"Not all Netflix subscribers will see the test." Never offer specific price points or features under test. "

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