Netflix may be deploying a new high-end service that will cost more for [19659009] CNET, citing the Italian Tutto Android blog, reported that the new level called Ultra and would allow four devices to receive Ultra HD video and audio streams simultaneously on each device. "We are constantly testing new things on Netflix and these tests generally vary in terms of duration," Smita Saran, a spokesperson for Netflix, said in an email. "In this case, we are testing slightly different price points and features to better understand how consumers value Netflix."
Currently, Netflix offers three monthly packages with the Basic Package for $ 7.99, the Standard at $ 10.99 per month and the Premium Level at $ 13.99. With the standard package, customers can see Netflix on two screens while with the premium subscription, there are four screens. Netflix spokesperson told CNET that all Netflix subscribers will not be able to participate in the test and that she will not offer it after the trial ends.
CNET noted that according to PhoneArena, some Italian users The current Premium plan would see the number of screens go from four to two while the standard plan could switch to one screen instead of two. In May, Netflix and some of the major networks were victims of a hacker who threatened to divulge unpublished shows to the public if they did not pay ransom. Netflix has decided not to pay and the hacker shared next season's Netflix series "Orange is the new black." In a statement at the time, Netflix said, "We are aware of the situation," adding, "A production provider used by several major television studios had its security compromised, and the appropriate police authorities are involved. "