Never feel guilty for having a cup of coffee over – infusions are good for your health


Whether instant, ground or decaffeinated, coffee has been officially labeled for your health.

A study of half a million Britons of middle and old age found that drinking at least six cups of coffee a day can help

UK Food Standards recommends drinking only three to four cups a day, but the study found that those who drank six were 16% less likely to die over a ten-year period.

And it's not caffeine that has the effect that the results were the same for those who drink decaffeinated, reports The Daily Mirror.

Take Another Cup of Coffee

The main author, Dr. Erikka Loftfield, said: "The results confirm the growing evidence that coffee should be part of a healthy diet. . "

were 16% less likely to die of any disease over a 10-year period than those who never touched the dark substance.

Two to five cups reduced mortality by 12% during decade badysis

Coffee has long been linked to the fight against heart disease, cancer, dementia, diabetes and depression.

But the study found no link between the amount of coffee consumed and long-term health risks, including cardiovascular, respiratory and cancer. The drink that we like a lot is rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation and stimulate lung function and sensitivity to insulin, the hormone regulating glucose.

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Dr. Loftfield said: "These results suggest the importance of non-caffeinated constituents in the coffee-mortality badociation and provide additional badurance that coffee consumption can be part of a healthy diet. . "

His team followed the 498,134 participants, aged 38 to 73, from 2006 to 2016, during which 14,225 of them died

: "How many cups of coffee do you drink each day (including decaffeinated coffee)? They were also asked what type they drank – decaffeinated, ground or instant.

The exact way coffee can reduce the risk of mortality is still under debate. Dr. Loftfield pointed out that the results were based on observations that they could not prove and that they should therefore be treated with caution.

But she said: "Nevertheless, these findings provide further evidence that coffee consumption can be part of a healthy diet."

In 2015, a smaller study of a little more than 90,000 Americans followed for ten years by the same team gave similar results: those who drank the most coffee for ten years were about 18% less likely to die.

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