New health calculator can help predict the risk of heart disease, estimate the age of the heart


A new online health calculator can help people determine their risk of heart disease and their heart age, taking into account sociodemographic factors such as ethnicity, sense of belonging and ethnicity. Education, as well as the state of health. The process of construction and validation of the tool is published in CMAJ ( Journal of the Canadian Medical Association ).

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Canada, heart disease is modifiable with lifestyle changes. Most people ignore their cardiovascular risk until they experience a cardiac event, which can be life-threatening.

"What differentiates this cardiovascular risk calculator is that it looks at healthy living and that it is better calibrated for the Canadian population. says Dr. Doug Manuel, lead author, principal investigator at the Ottawa Hospital and principal investigator at the Institute of Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES).

Researchers used 104,219 Ontario residents from the Canadian Community Health Surveys (2001 to 2007) to establish and validate the cardiovascular disease risk tool using the data. EMIS on hospitalizations and deaths. (CVDPoRT).

The calculator allows individuals to accurately predict their risk of hospitalization or death from cardiovascular disease over the next five years. For example, if their risk is five percent, it means that five out of every 100 people will experience a serious cardiovascular event in the next five years. Unlike other risk prediction tools, the cardiovascular disease risk measurement tool takes into account many factors, such as socio-demographic status, environmental influences like air pollution, health-related behaviors. ranging from smoking to alcohol, through physical activity, health status and more. The list includes:


Smoking status and lifetime exposure

Alcohol consumption


Physical activity


Feeling of belonging [19659002] Ethnic Origin

Immigration Status [19659002] Education

Socio-Economic Status of the District



"Many people are interested in healthy living, but often we do not have this discussion in the doctor's office "says Dr. Manuel, who is also a professor at the University of Ottawa. "Doctors will check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, but they will not necessarily ask you about lifestyle factors that could put you at risk for a heart attack or stroke. better information on healthy living and options to reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke. "

In addition to personal use, decision makers can use the tool to calculate risk profiles for different populations." Currently set up for use in Canada, it can be adapted to n & # 39; Any of the 100 countries in the world that collect data from health surveys.

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