New YouTube feature to prevent unauthorized downloading of content


San Francisco, July 12 (IANS): YouTube, owned by Google, introduces a feature called "Copyright Match Tool" designed for YouTube creators who have problems with unauthorized re-uploads of their content .

new feature, after uploading a new video, YouTube runs a scan to see if there is another video that looks a lot like the downloaded video or is the same and there is Meme it has a "match", it will appear on the "correspondences". "Tab, YouTube wrote in a blog Thursday.

" We have tested this tool with creators for nearly a year to make it safe and effective for the entire community, "said the company. correspondence of previously downloaded content is found, the original user will have the opportunity to contact the other creator or ask YouTube to delete the transferred content again. [19659002] The feature will start from next week YouTube creators with more than one lakh subscriber.

"Like this This powerful feature will allow us to closely monitor usage and will continue to grow during coming months with the long-term goal of making it available to all creators of the "YouTube Partner" program, adds the blog.

Program "allows creators with 4000 hours of monitoring over the previous 12 months and over 1000 subscribers, to monetize their content on YouTube.

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