Omega 3, Unnecessary Fish Oil Supplements for Heart Health, says New Study


A new systematic review of previous tests on omega-3 and fish oil has shown that they do very little to improve heart health. In fact, the probability of having a significant impact on omega 3 consumption is one in 1,000. ( Pixabay )

Health experts often say that taking Fish oil supplements is a simple way to improve the health of one's heart. A new study indicates, however, that the evidence supporting such a claim is at best fragile.

Cochrane researchers, a non-profit organization that verifies medical research findings, examined 79 randomized trials involving more than 100,000 people and found little evidence. That being said, eating fatty fish can still be considered part of a healthy diet

What is omega 3?

Omega 3 is a type of fat found in the food we eat, of which small amounts may be essential to good health. There are three kinds: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These last two are naturally present in oily fish such as salmon and fish oils, including cod liver oil.

Health experts around the world advocate the consumption of omega 3 against heart disease. Some food manufacturers have even labeled their products as high in omega 3. It is believed that it can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. There are also omega-3 supplements, often in tablet form, that can be purchased over the counter, and they are widely purchased and used, as Science Daily notes.

Are fish oil supplements useless? questioning this common belief, and their review shows that the increase in omega-3 consumption offers very little if any benefit over most of the results they've examined. Keep in mind that most of the studies that they reviewed were deemed trustworthy because they were well designed and well conducted.

Researchers also found that taking more omega 3 supplements had very little impact on heart health. at the risk of cardiovascular events, coronary death, stroke or heart irregularities. Overall, reductions in cardiovascular events were so low that the chances of achieving a significant impact of taking omega – 3s are one in 1,000.

"L '. Review provides good evidence that taking long-chain omega 3 (fish oil, EPA or DHA supplements are not beneficial for cardiovascular health and do not reduce the risk of stroke or stroke. death, whatever the cause, "said Lee Hooper, lead author.As for ALA, she noted that she" may be mildly protective of certain heart and circulatory diseases " "But that the effect is very small:" 143 people should increase their intake of ALA to prevent a person from developing "

While waiting for a new study to refute this study, it is probably better to stop consuming supplements of 3 9, fish oil for the moment, especially those who think that this will have beneficial effects on heart health.

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