Other filmmakers steal foreign films, I fly from my village, says Pandiraj


It's been almost a decade since the release of your first film Pasanga. But the films you made do not look much like the artistic quality of this film …

The career of an individual does not always go as planned. After one point, you are carried away, depending on how the wind blows. When I was Pasanga, I never thought of making movies with great heroes. I just wanted to make movies comfortably. I was the guy who made movies for 2 crore or less. But that changed with the success of Kedi Billa Killadi Ranga (KBKR). Heroes, production houses, technicians … they all wanted to work with me. I also realized that I needed to make such films if I wanted to survive a long time. I've been able to support films like Moodar Koodam and Goli Soda because of KBKR . You need a lot more strength to keep making movies like Pasanga

Are you saying that you are not satisfied creatively when you make a KBKR?

When I make a film like this, I think of my family, the producer, the distributor and their happiness. My creative happiness comes from films like Pasanga Pasanga 2 and Marina . But that does not mean I'm dissatisfied with movies like KBKR . Before working on this film I had moved from 33 different apartments to Chennai. It's the movie that gave me my own home and my in-laws the confidence that I can take care of my wife.

That's a lot, since my first salary was ₹ 5000. I only studied until clbad XII … but that should not be the case with my children.

Does this mean that you can go back to making these 2-crore ₹ 2 movies?

Certainly. I have the intention of making several unconventional films and some of them need small budgets.

For example, I want to make a movie of one hour and 15 minutes without songs or scenes of action. I also want to make a movie that will only have an online version.

But there is a part to that; I can only make a small film parallel to a big budget movie. If I do not do it, then I will again be considered a director of ₹ 2 crore.

Where is [KadaiKuttySingam?

It's a very real movie for me, because it's about people and situations that I know in real life. Even though I moved to Chennai, I continue to travel to my village every month. There are 30 characters in this movie and most of them are based on people with whom I grew up. Other directors steal scenes from foreign movies, I steal scenes from my hometown (laughs).

  Other directors steal foreign films, I fly in my village, says Pandiraj

So, the effort to recreate the incidents that you observed at the time did it was done?

Yes, that was the case. This is why I have discouraged improvisation and changes even in the modulation of the dialogue.

These scenes were played in front of me in reality, and I wanted that to be recreated exactly as I had seen it. So, if I remember an incident because it made me tear, I kept turning this scene until I was moved to tears, even if it meant a dozen times.

What about the action and then song sequences?

This is a commercial movie, after all. Honestly, I get bored on the sets when we shoot fights and songs. The only reason I still go to sets these days is to make sure the stuntmaster does not go too far. I do not want cars flying in my movies. I want them to be placed in an environment that I know.

  Other directors steal foreign films, I fly in my village, says Pandiraj

But you also made an urban film like Idhu Namma Aalu .

INA is a film that ended up becoming something very different from what it was supposed to be. But I have to take responsibility for that, just like how an actor gets the credit for success. It was a film that was far from my strength. It was like a villager who thinks he can play cricket just because he is an expert of gilli danda

In Kadai Kutty Singam, Karthi plays the role of a prosperous farmer . Does this not derogate from the reality of our farmers in the state?

This is a criticism that I know I will have to face. But I think that agriculture must be shown in a positive light for young people to adopt. It's the story of a successful farmer, just as there are millionaire businessmen who may have started with a potti kadai . Whatever the case may be, the film is more about the family than about farming.

I heard that you had some oddity about how you are credited in a movie …

Most of the films I've made are accompanied by 39, a credit "written and produced by Pandiraj". But there are some movies in which I prefer to use the tag "A Pandiraj Film", because she has my signature on it. Kadai Kutty Singam is one of them.

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