Paleontologists discover the largest dinosaur foot


In 1998, a giant foot was discovered in the Black Hills area of ​​Wyoming. At more than 3 feet long, the foot was one of the largest ever found. Researchers who badyzed the fossil said it should belong to one of the largest animals on Earth and nicknamed it "Bigfoot."

"It was immediately apparent that the foot, about one meter wide, came from an extremely large animal," said lead author Anthony Maltese, who was part of the "Anchorage. Kansas University Expedition in 1998.

After extensive review over the years, the researchers identified the foot as belonging to a close relative of Brachiosaurus, who lived there 150 million years ago. years, was a member of the sauropod family and had a long neck and a long tail like the other vegetarian dinosaurs (Brontosaurus and Diplodocus) and compared the foot of the specimen to those of other dinosaur species, they have confirmed that the foot is the largest dinosaur foot ever discovered.

"There are traces and other incomplete skele of tons of Australia and Argentina that seem to come from even bigger animals, but these gigantic skeletons have been found without feet. This beast was clearly one of the largest that has ever walked in North America. "Co-author Emanuel Tschopp.

The Wyoming Black Hills area that produced the fossil is now a popular tourist attraction." Finding a saurpod fossil here is a real surprise and also opens a new window for Understanding these dinosaurs.

"It's surprising," said Tschopp. "Many other sauropod dinosaurs appear to have inhabited smaller areas during this period."

Researchers suspect that these outcrops rocky could hold many more dinosaur skeletons and that they will continue to search for them

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