Prince Harry buys the illustration of Meghan Markle Van Donna


Prince Harry clearly has a love affair with an art – and now you can do it too.

A miniature version of the work Everyone needs someone that Harry brought "for a special person" In October 2016 – a few weeks before & # 39; It becomes public with Meghan Markle – is now available for purchase for $ 262

Created by fledgling British artist Van Donna (a pseudonym of Van Gogh and Madonna) Artwork is ¼ the size of the original and features a Banksy-style stencil image of a boy and a girl walking hand-in-hand in the distance. Harry's original also includes a second canvas bearing the words "Everyone needs someone to love."

  Prince Harry purchased Van Donna's painting for the Meghan Markle

Prince Harry bought for Meghan Markle.

Although it is not known if the romantic piece was definitely a gift for his future wife, the prince asked if the acrylic, the stencil and the bomb could be divided in half, so that the separate panels can be shared between two different people.

"It's wonderful that the piece played a small role in their love story," says a London art collector at PEOPLE. "It's part of the fairy tale."

"He went to the gallery and took a look at the art and then settled on the Van Donna," adds a spectator. "It was literally before anyone heard of Meghan – just days before it was announced that they were an object."

If you want to get better and add an exact replica of Prince Harry's painting to your own collection, then that's also possible – though only 50 have ever been done. Priced at just over $ 1,000, it's four times more expensive than the mini-version, but it's actually a boon for Van Donna's work, including a $ 5,000 one-off sale. Christie's exhibition in 2016.

The picture is four times the size of the mini ", adds the art expert." The celebration edition was created after the royal wedding and is identical to the one that Harry brought. "

Harry purchased the work in the discrete VIP section of the Walton Fine Arts Gallery in Kensington, London, where Adele, Ringo Starr and Brad Pitt.

While the gallery would not comment on Harry's visit or the recent miniature version – of which only 199 were made – the original is considered the most important product by Van Donna and is in the Freud "Harry and his brother follow in their mother's footsteps and continue to put the world to good use, "says art expert, who adds that Harry" is a visit Regular ur "to the picturesque area of ​​London, which is just a short walk from Nottingham Cottage, the 1300-sq. He shares this property with Markle in the precincts of Kensington Palace.

"He is a wonderful person and very, very authentic and down to earth," says the art expert. "He dresses and he plays and he is down there."

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