Filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar announced that he would soon announce the leading woman for his next film Bharat . Zafar tweeted on July 28 on the film's main female role.
Yes yes yes … we will soon announce the first lady of Bharat. We shot Non stop and the simultaneous preparation of international schedules ….
– ali abbas zafar (@aliabbaszafar) July 28, 2018
The producer of the film would have been upset by the "sudden" decision of Chopra, reports Mid-Day . Nikhil Namit, CEO of Reel Life Productions, said: "Priyanka told us that she had to go out because of her engagement, two days ago, it was a bit unprofessional of her to do it so suddenly. " Zafar on July 27 had announced that the actress Priyanka Chopra had retired from the starrer of Salman Khan for a "very special" reason. Zafar wished him the best for his future.
Yes Priyanka Chopra is no longer part of @Bharat_TheFilm & and the reason is very very special, she told us in the Nick of the time of her decision and we are very happy for her … Bharat wishes @priyankachopra charges of love and happiness for life ??? – ali abbas zafar (@aliabbaszafar) July 27, 2018
The report also states that Katrina Kaif and Jacqueline Fernandez were possible
The first schedule included filming a large circus sequence. The director has already worked with the star Dabangg in blockbusters like Sultan and Tiger Zinda Hai.
The film is an official adaptation of a South Korean film of 2014 Ode To My Father . It is produced by Atul Agnihotri's Reel Life Production Pvt Ltd. and Bhushan Kumar's T-Series.
Bharat to be shot in Abu Dhabi and Spain, in addition to Punjab and Delhi, is scheduled for a Liberation of Eid in 2019.
(With contributions of the Indo-Asian Press Service)
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Publication date: Jul 28, 2018 13:22
| Updated on Jul 28, 2018 13:22
Updated: Jul 28, 2018 13:22 pm
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