Russia will send two weightlifting robots into space next year.
A pair of FEDOR humanoids is expected to join the International Space Station in August 2019, according to the official RIA Novosti News Agency
Citing an anonymous source "in the rocket industry and from space ", the site revealed plans for FEDOR cyborgs (Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research) to fly an unmanned Soyuz craft to the ISS
. Fedor Emelianenko, a Russian martial artist, recently made the headlines when Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin insisted that the government did not create an autonomous killer robot
"We do not create a Terminator, but an intelligence artificial, in various fields, "said Rogozin, according to the Independent .
The AI robot was originally developed in 2014 for rescue missions. But an army of these six-foot and 350-pound hunters could easily colonize the moon (or worse).
As Space.com pointed out, they can also drive, do pushups and lift weights.
It is not yet known if these skills will be useful floating around the cosmos.
The idea of using machines to do hazardous work is not new, even for outer space. NASA is planning a series of robotic commercial delivery missions as early as next year, before a human comeback in space.
Japanese scientists, meanwhile, envision a brave new world in which the Earth and its satellite are a united ecosystem via the "Moon Valley" outpost built not by people, but by robots
MIT and the European Space Agency (ESA) are also exploring 3D printing as a means of building bases and buildings on celestial bodies. there is CIMON (pronounced "Simon"), the first artificially intelligent badistant designed for astronauts. Placed in a SpaceX capsule next to genetically identical mice, coffee and ice cream, CIMON reached the International Space Station early this month
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