Scientists can know when and how he will die


We know that after the Big Bang, the Universe was created with other planets. But, have you ever imagined that this vast and mysterious universe could die one day? Two astrophysicists have researched this and said it was probably going to come out of the way it was formed.

In a study published in the journal Physical Review D on Wednesday, July 25, scientists claimed to have already modeled the erasure scenario. They suggested a kind of singularity that is a location in the outer space, where the density of any material becomes finite and the concepts of space and time lose its existence.

The researchers, however, have mentioned that it is a kind of situation where the universe could end with another Big Bang, but on the other hand, they also mentioned many scenarios under which such a singularity would not develop.

Even if you and your next generation do not have to worry about such devastations as any kind of potential death of the universe would come after 30 to 40 billion years later, the model created by Sergey Odintsov and Vasilis Oikonomou will certainly help scientists in future research.

Imagine the end of the universe is happening, but as it is suggested in the study, life on earth would end long before this event. The researchers said that in such cases nearly 60 million before the end of the universe, due to a gravitational attraction of singularity, all existing materials would turn to plasma by getting closer to 39, a single point of infinite matter density. the plasma itself disappears with him.

The authors of the recently published study claimed that it is also possible to observe the growth of the universe to infinity. But this can only happen if the singularity does not occur and it also depends on alternative theories of gravity that "try to overcome what many researchers consider to be two huge problems in understanding the universe."

Principal authors, Odintsov previously explored the theory published in ResearchGate, called "Big Rip", which suggests that if the universe eventually creates a "tearing" chain that tears the fabric of space and destroys everything with him.

Harvard claimed that the universe will explode before the destabilization of the Higgs boson, or "particle of God," which is badociated with a three-dimensional field in the space that gives its mbad to celestial objects. In the study, they also suggested that supermbadive black holes are probably hiding nearby to create an interruption in the Higgs field and space-time.

Many people have heard of the "Big Crunch", which is a possible scenario. metric expansion of the universe and it recomposes itself, while causing a reform of the universe, starting with another Big Bang. The authors have talked about the possibility of such a phenomenon in their study stating that if this happened, the universe would implode again into a singularity

After the "Big Rip" and the l & # 39; shrinking universe that would destroy its existence through a "Big". Crunch ", the authors spoke of the possibility if the third theory described as" Big Freeze "or" Heat Death. "

According to the law of thermodynamics, the heat of the universe would be distributed, leaving no place for usable energy for the stars to form.So, in this case, the death of old departures and the absence of new members will make the universe cold and lifeless.

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