Scientists: Nibiru will cause the death of the Earth after a March


According to scientists, this planet was the cause of the death of the red planet. Soon she will approach us at a distance three times smaller than Mars and our blue planet will die.

  scientistschеные: Нибиру станет причиной гибели Земли вслед за Марсом

Some scientists believe that NASA has known Nibiru for a very long time, but because of fear of panic, information is spreading. The global scientific community does not have consensus on a mysterious Nibiru planet. Some believe that the Earth is in danger and all because of the approach of a threatening planet. Proponents of the conspiracy theory find that a lot of evidence: the sudden exodus of aliens from the planet, devastating natural disasters on a large scale, the situation in Hawaii. But the most important confirmation of the sneaky attack Nibiru on Earth is unusual, from the perspective of adherents of the version of the Apocalypse, the eruption of Kilauea volcano. This fact indicates a hidden attack on the planet Nibiru Blue.

One of the Serbian scientists named Milorad Protic first suggested that a mysterious X planet would cause the death of the Earth after the red planet, destroying Mars fifteen hundred years ago.

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