Scientists were able to slow down the movement of an electron


Scientists from the Argonne National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, are experimenting to find material that would be energetically favorable. This has been achieved by unexpected discoveries.

  Ученые смогли замедлить движение электрона

The experiments were carried out on oxides. Like other elements, they are composed of crystals formed by atoms. Scientists have tried to deform the oxides to make them more energy intensive. While lowering the temperature to -100 ° F, and the influence of the beams of light changed not only the crystal structure but also the trajectory of the electrons. It was shown how, after deformation, they could not return to their previous position. The devices found that it had arrived only after one millionth of a second. This meant that the electron was moving a million times more slowly than usual.
To explain the meaning of this short, according to the standards of the person, the duration, Anand Bhattacharya gives a simple example. The electron could stand at the border of two states and two years to decide which country it will go. While he was making the same decision for a minute


About the Author

Jan Hartman

Jan Hartman has been a reporter at the news desk since 2013. Prior to that, she wrote about young teens and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro office.
Before joining The Sivertelegram, Jan Hartman worked as a personal editor at the Village Voice and as a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella.

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