Shadow of the Tomb Raider adds to the acrobatic movement of Lara Croft


The Tomb Raider rebooted series did a great job in giving it a sense of danger at high altitude, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider seems to be extending this theme into a new gameplay video [19659002]. The brief clip shows Lara Croft rappelling, swaying, leaping from treacherous cliffs and swirling footsteps, and in less than a minute sets the tense tension of the teeth that the series has cultivated in recent years.

Lara sits heavily on This time, she swings and ties her rope to hooks that protrude under a rock formation over a mountain jungle.

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Its rope is also useful in other situations, as it descends into a grave full of spikes or that it is not a good thing. she rappels on a granite face. The video is full of kinetic energy, stopping only long enough for Lara to wait while turning around, arms lined to give her an opening to climb on the central pillar in what appears to be a huge meat grinder

Tomb Raider is located in an ancient Peruvian city, and from what we've seen so far, it seems like it brings Lara in a new direction. She is the archaeological equivalent of a Jedi now, and will have to reckon with the damage that she is able to inflict with her finely honed fighting and survival abilities.

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