Skin cancer or sunscreen? – BC News


Chantelle Deacon

"The tissues of your skin being exposed to ultraviolet light increases the risk of cancer because there is damage that occurs even with a tan, the basic tan does not protect you."

It is important to remember to protect your skin from the hot and cold weather forecast for the weekend.

Jodi Cunningham, pharmacist in Vernon and owner of Medicine Shoppe pharmacy, reminds Okanagan residents to protect their skin

Cancers are caused by exposure to the sun or artificial UV lights She said. "It's really important to protect our skin to avoid a higher risk of skin cancer in the future."

There are many ways to protect your skin from the sun, including wearing a hat and not being exposed to direct sunlight. 16 hours and the most important, wear at least SPF 30 sunscreen.

'Use a water-resistant product, there is no waterproof products, so you must always submit a new asks after being in the water, "Cunningham said.

The sunscreen should be reapplied at least every two hours, she says.

More recently, Cunningham noticed that people avoided sunscreen because they feared that it could have negative effects on their skin or their environment. There is no evidence confirmed at this stage that there is a risk badociated with these chemicals (in sunscreen), so it is important to use a broad-spectrum product that It is a biological or standard product.

The screen you buy should protect you from UVA and UVB rays. "

What is proven is the damage that ultraviolet rays can have on the skin when it is not protected.

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