Sky observers excited after Blood Moon combines with Mars and Mercury in retrograde



July 27 was an exciting time for observers of the sky, as much of the solar system became visible to the naked eye.

First, it was the lunar eclipse, now Mars and Mercury is downgraded.

For some people, this is not a big problem, but for others, it comes with deeply ingrained superstitions.

Andrew Kerr is the head of the planetarium at CSN. He says that retrograde is when a planet catches up with another planet and ends up overtaking it.

At this moment, Mercury is retrograde because it pbades the Earth and Mars is retrograde because the Earth is crossing it.

Earth and planets circle the sun, from time to time we catch up and pbad a planet, "said Kerr. "Mars seems to be backing up in the sky in the usual way and with Mercury, it catches up and overtakes us, so it seems to go back even if the orbit is the same."

For decades, astrologers and others have linked the planets downgrading to superstitions like 3 weeks of bad luck or a series of bad first dates and even frustrations of work until the end.

Anne Marie Greco is a Spiritual Teacher at CC Spiritual Center on Rainbow Boulevard, she says, "When planets are retrograde, it creates real communication problems."

"This creates some form of turmoil, one could arguing because of imprecise communication, "said Greco

. What happens in the sky has no impact on human interaction and communication.

"My watch has more effect on you right now than Mercury or Mars," said Kerr

Cathy DiDomenico, owner of CC's. Spiritual Center "This has a lot of effect on everyone, some people can not sleep at night, others are more than hyper and others have to go to sleep.It is the time to celebrate the novelty in the spiritual aspects, a time to bring good, love and light because the universe moves, "says DiDomenico.

Since Mercury is the closest planet from the sun, it revolves around the solar system faster than any other planet, every 88 days.

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